About Nalini MacNab
I was born in the house of my mother's spiritual teacher, who could fill a room with visible light. After 33 years of dedicated spiritual study and realization with her and additional awakened teachers, I knew what enlightenment was.
Even so, in 1993, the Goddess grabbed me and redefined everything I knew about Awakening and Source. I share from the unique perspective of the Divine Mother. Her nurturing, nourishing, acknowledgment, acceptance, support, and cherishing qualities have been misinterpreted, and their potential is largely misunderstood.
We all have divine light within us. We all have the potential to live from our Source essence. On the path of self-awareness and awakening, information is secondary to experience. I teach by helping you recognize the experience of your light and by assisting you in letting go of the ’shoulds’ – what are now obsolete traditions.
My invitation is to become an embodied emanation of the Source that you are, a unique and precious fractal of All That Is.
How do I know moving through the heart and living from the Infinite Field will help you?
I’ve done it. I have taken those steps in awareness with practical feet.
I'm Nalini MacNab. I was born aware, and have continued to deepen my awakening throughout this life. We truly know nothing, and there is always more to integrate. Life is quite the koan!
I began my career life in music, working in concert production. I certainly learned about fame and how it affects personality! I also worked in IT for two decades, learning the practical skills of data storage, data flow, and pattern matching, as well as project organization and management. What I learned in this field furthered my understanding of how we process energy, enabling me to apply critical thinking to the sciences of awakening.
While moving through some physical and emotional challenges, I hit upon an idea. If there is a way to pull together information in a database with a “where-used” statement, then cascade a modification throughout the entire system, this can be done for our physical/emotional/mental bodies. Of course, it can! I asked Source to show me. One day, as I was looking at yet another repeating pattern, I sort of lost my $hite with Source. “If this can be done in a computer system, the original design comes from You! There is a way…. What the EFF is it?” A flash of white light landed me on my bum on my office floor. Two hours later I returned to rational consciousness with an entire program downloading at lovespeed. It took 6 months to write it all up.
So began “Spiritual Root Cause Analysis” which then morphed into “Hacking the False Matrix of Illusion,” and, finally, Embodying Fluidity, a gift of Grace aimed at this time of transition. I have assisted others with this light-based learning for just over 30 years now. The downloads keep changing, as any flow of light must. It is my privilege to let the Source from which we all flow, amplify and course correct within those Source assists through me.
Meanwhile, I spent 27 years practicing karate, kendo, tai chi, and chi gong. I earned a third-degree black belt in karate and taught for 12 years. I didn’t want to practice a hard style, at first. As a deep believer in doing no harm, I came face to face with the violence in myself, my beliefs, fears, limitations, and, finally, my strengths, in every encounter.
I have lived in 9 countries, visited and offered retreats and workshops in several more. I have studied many of the world’s healing and spiritual traditions, and been ordained as a spiritual teacher in the Vedic sciences, a monk in Vajrayana Buddhism, and am recognized as a ban filidh in the Celtic traditions of the sacred feminine.
So much for silly credentials!
What does this mean to you?
I bring a multi-cultural, multi-disciplined, inter-dimensional perspective to my work. I am able to see past illusions and conditioning and look into a person’s energetic architecture to see their entire configuration, including any imbalances or blocks, and also gifts, talents, and abilities, those present and those that can be activated. In other words, I see your heart. I see the real, unfolding, you.
I embody the mirror of your Source emanation to help you to see and become it. This is the nature of a Transformational Seer.
I have ‘done the work’ for myself, for a lifetime. And, of course, there is always more. Anyone with a body deals with ego. Anyone who tells you differently is not telling the whole truth. Consciousness is ever-expanding and there is always more to integrate.
I teach the Great Mother’s way, the way of Galactic Oneness, a path of inclusion and fluidity where you use your life experiences to become more open and empowered, rather than operating from limitations and fixed positions your ego wants to defend.
It is my joy to help you find your own way. A way that will be as precious and unique as you are. In alignment with Source, we can weave a world of wonder and beauty, whole, and in harmony. What will your threads be?
What I Offer~
Awakening requires profound responsibility, humility, and maturity.
I work with those interested in living as the full embodiment of Source that is uniquely theirs to be. Why don’t more of us become fully illuminated? Because that path has been kept secret. Call it Enlightenment, Universal Flow, or whatever, it is possible to learn to live this alignment as an embodiment of truth.
I don’t work with people who want a quick fix, want things done for them, or just want to bliss out and not take responsibility for how they show up. If you’re looking for a way out, the Great Mother’s pathless path is not for you. If you’re looking for full cellular embodiment, and multiversal alignment, stick around!
I will remind you how it feels when you are fully centered in your own flavors of flow, and how natural it feels when you are empowered by those energies. I will assist you to live from your innate strength, power, creativity, and wisdom, and to know, with certainty, that you already have everything you need to make your journey a beautiful, awe-inspiring one.
What do you want to do with your abundance of Source energy?
What if there is more available than you have imagined?
How does an awakened one walk a fluid path with grounded, game-changing feet?
Re-membering direct access to Source means being able to ladle your light into the world in whatever way you choose. What lights you up? Where does your light lead you?
I invite you to explore the energy transmissions and alignments I offer and am happy to assist in your awakening.
“As a life-long intuitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient perceiver, the Divine sees through me into the sacred architecture of alignment. I have spent this lifetime studying vibration, perception, and consciousness. Like a multi-dimensional thumb drive, I plug in to what are optimal emanations of Source for each individual.”