Books by Nalini MacNab
Nalini’s books are an invitation to a literary ladling of light.
“I write about the experience of living as HER Oneness, of navigating the ALL from ever-expanding vistas of consciousness.”
Writing is something I have always done. I have journaled, written poetry and short stories since I was a child. As that child, I immersed myself in stories of nature, and of the heart. Always a voracious reader, I learned the craft of writing by observation. What turns of phrase best express the essence of each moment, scene, or feeling? Some of my greatest teachers have been the well-crafted books I’ve read.
“The hands are connected to the heart,” ~ anon. The path of the Author chose me by way of the heart. When love moves through me I want to write about it, to capture the essence and wonder of experience in the written word. There are books in my library that I read again and again, gleaning new wisdom from them with each perusal. I aspire to the creation of resources like these. That aspiration keeps me inspired.
Writing is an important and growing part of what and how I teach. I encourage my students to journal, digitally at the very least! As I have returned to my library for inspiration and guidance, I hope others might do the same with my work. We who write, ladle our love into our writing. It is a gift to us as well as to others.