Born Between the Worlds
Some of us were born between the worlds so long ago that time has no meaning. We live not with a foot in ‘each world,’ as though there were two only, but between them all. We infuse our essence into whatever form, time, or place suits our gifts and abilities. We do this in order to learn and to share. In that process, we ladle light as only we can do.
I invite you to remember the words of Galadriel from Lord of the Rings, “It’s the risk we all took.” The risk to incarnate as human, to embody elementally, to allow the winds of change to blow through bodies whose minds are conditioned to know them not.
The cocoon or chrysalis, from Embodying Fluidity, is a set of training wheels for optimal Source-held boundaries. Boundaries we all need, no matter what traditions teach what kinds of merging. Egoic patterns don’t play well with others. Why, then, would we attempt to merge them? When neuroses are compatible, we call that … what, exactly? This is a single misunderstanding in a world of misunderstood. A world where misunderstandings become the norm, the status quo, and how we are conditioned to perceive.
As our filters dissolve, literally for good and for the good, we see ourselves as the fractals of Source we are. Readiness is overrated. The time is NOW. {aka Nurture the Oneness Within}
Decades ago, when the Kung Fu series with David Carradine was playing on prime time TV, I memorized this quote from Master Po; “It may take half a lifetime to master one style…” the implication being that Caine was unique in having mastery of them all. I wanted to be that. I wanted to understand all of the nuances of flow. I wanted to know how the creative force of love functioned in every form. I have always had the tendency to set the bar a bit high for myself. And why not? The truth is that mastery, in and of anything, is born of Grace. Grace flows inherently and uniquely through and as every one of us. Want to learn about new channels, new conduits of Grace? An incarnation is a fast path for that kind of assimilation. This one really was a pricey ticket. We tend to forget. It is an honor to be ‘here’ at this ‘time.’
An incarnation’s agenda does not always lead to mastery but inevitably to mystery.
I have never truly been a ‘spiritual teacher.’ Spirit cannot be taught. Source can only be lived and embodied. She is the one and only teacher, living within and as each of us. And there are as many ways to live a life grounded in Spirit, a Source-directed life, as there are embodiments or stars in the sky.
I have shared lessons learned and ways to optimize their traversals. This has been done from love, however it may have seemed to those still swimming the rivers of misunderstanding. I have no interest in those rivers anymore. Do you? Let them flow and let them go.
Am I enlightened? I don’t know. Are you? Why not tell me what your definition of that alleged ‘state’ is, and I can then let you know whether that is somewhere I have infused my essence. I can report that EVERY definition of Oneness with Source is incomplete at best and just plain ridiculous most of the time. Straight talk in this room only. At least for today.
Some years ago, I stopped talking about enlightenment and began to use the phrase “living a Source-directed life.” As if we could do anything else, being that we are Source. What most are here to learn about is how egoically held patterns function, and how limiting that is. Every such agenda can be transcended. You don’t think so? Be happy in that field of misperception. Live as you have chosen to live.
Every being incarnates to learn what they came in to learn in the way that they chose to learn it.
Is one way of learning better than another? There are optimal ways of integrating more and more of our Source Essence. What is it that you think you want from this life? Are you sure? Most people have an ideal, a hero/ine or state of mind they try to emulate or become. We are taught this from childhood. It is part of the grand delusion. Role models help. They are not, however, exactly who we are meant to become. Why would you cheat your destiny in this way?
Have you looked at the depths of your own insecurities deeply enough to see through them? I have. It’s worth it. And the bleat goes on. {typo intended}
All my love and infinite blessings as the fires ignite within us all.
Remember, “This is the risk we all took,” ~ Galadriel
”… Don't let it bring you down
It's only castles burning.
Find someone who's turning
And you will come around…” ~ Neil Young
A blessed week, and happy turning…
{ even when it feels like churning} Yay! Yippee! Hurray!