Consciousness ~ What Bandwidths are Available to You?

I made a quick video on the energy field we know as “humanity” that might help to clarify these concepts. You can watch it HERE.

What we call humanity is a collective energy field. This field does not run our lives, though we have been taught to act as if it does so. We give it our power so that we have something to blame when things go awry for us, and we count on it for protection, no matter what we might otherwise believe.

No matter what the circumstance, we always have choices. And, most of us choose for things to remain as they are. Unconsciously, or sometimes consciously, we count on the collective field of humanity to protect us. If we are part of that collective, we have a place to belong, to ‘fit in’. or so our ego tells us. We choose the status quo in a million ways, every day.

The question for us now, is whether those choices are as beneficial as we might have believed. What motivates a choice to stay enmeshed?

Sometimes we make unconscious choices to protect those we care about. Most often, our egos make them to protect their hold on our essence. Each of us incarnates, then builds an egoic construct, to learn from. So, why would we want to dismantle what has allegedly been built for our benefit?

When the lessons are learned, or the game has changed, and it has, we need to let go of the old structures that supported the old game. All old structures, including our old identities, precious to us though they may be.

The human collective, the thing we call “humanity,” is such a structure. As we awaken, a large part of our work is in detaching and disentangling ourselves from the human collective, so that the light we are might function more efficiently. This means letting go of thought patterns, belief systems and habits of behavior that keep our vibrational circumstances in place. ALL of our old circumstances. There is benefit in letting that information sink deeply in.

Listen to the ego’s defenses: “I’ll be lost. I won’t know who I am. I won’t be safe. I won’t be protected…” Listen to the voices, honoring the release of their energies into your larger field of awareness.

What trips up many of us, in our desire to be free, is the desire to keep “this piece” or ‘that piece’ of our circumstances intact, while dissolving the rest. These are holdouts and they compromise our flow. A holdout creates an eddy in the stream, so to speak. Parts of our energy field circle around the holdout, what we are attached to and holding onto, creating turbulence and using up energies that could be moving us forward.

When my students tell me ‘But I LOVE that part of me!’ I reply, ‘So do I, and wouldn’t it be cool if that part of you was free to morph and change?’ We. are. all. free. to. morph. and. change. As we so choose.

So, what are the benefits to disentangling our enmeshment with the collective field of humanity? Freedom. Morph. and. Change. In the words of Trinity, from The Matrix, ‘…the matrix cannot tell you who you are…’

The illusory world is an expression of various parts of ourselves at every moment. It is not what we are. And, the expressions we experience, morph and change as we do.

Inner energy creates external experience.

I understand if that frustrates you. It has certainly frustrated me enough times as I have done my work, knowing full well that Source is the only DOER. This is an almost impossible concept for a conditioned mind to grasp.

Breathe. Be patient and kind with yourself as your ego transforms. As we do what is called the ‘work’ of dissolving our mental and emotional conditioning, our Essence shines through. Essence is Presence and Presence is an experience of the Oneness.

Meditation alone will not be enough. Focus alone will not be enough. Source is what we must all, sooner or later, surrender into. It helps if the patterns go first. When patterns are released, we have more bandwidth to bring us into Presence.

What bandwidths are available to you? What frequencies? Do they feel good? If not, let them go. What energies need to be freed from their old constraints so that your frequencies are more fully aligned?

Let HER show you, as you learn to let go.

Endless love,


HER answer to "what's next?"


Flowing, not Fixing