Guarded, Protected, Honored?

To what do our allies, oaths, and allegiances, our most treasured belief systems, allow us to open? How are our paths protected? And, how, as all things change, can we navigate with honor?

One of the largest lessons in the awakening process is that of opening. Most human-mind-controlled hearts are extremely guarded. When those shields dissolve, a tendency can be to open to everything. While well-intended, this is a bad idea and makes the deep surrender needed to pass through the veils and illusions of personality that much more complicated.

We only ever need to relinquish our insistence on identification in particular into our greater Being.

The first time a spiritual mentor used the ‘surrender’ word with me, a whole chorus of voices answered, “Never!” {HaHaHa!} Those were the voices aligned with the Hero’s Journey, rather than the Fool’s. One of my Father’s favorite songs was, “The Impossible Dream.” Tilting at windmills. Yes. Embrace the challenges, and if one or more are not showing up today, ride off in search! As if this world is not challenging enough just as she is. Silly rabbit. It was a fun game, though. I can now appreciate the attraction, no matter the role having been played.

Gaia is a school of immersive learning. She has held the realities of martyr, saviour, and rescuer so that all of the roles could be played by anyone wishing to have that experience. The good news, for Starseeds, is that immersion is how we learn best. Like Tygger, we need to bounce through experiences in order to fully understand them. Consciously or not, we know the waveforms from which we come. Our hearts know the way home.

Early in my mystical training, I had a sleeping dream. A friend and I were streaming through the galaxies, blowing through a planet or star, here and there, and laughing excitedly upon exiting the other side. Fun! New rides in Universal Disneyland. The memory of that dream has helped me through many learning immersions. Who are you when the game ends?

The nuances of any situation or set of circumstances are best understood by experience. It has been said, written, and expounded many times, that this Great Turning is a cycle of re-membering. We are immersed in an integration opportunity. The experience of duality or polarity is integrating into its component parts and peaces {spelling intentional}.

Cosmic openings, like the upcoming Solstice, blow realities apart, over and over, and each expansion is followed by new cohesions and integrations. What is integrating that brings inner peace? Where is that flow of knowing reflected in outer circumstances?

Where are our most persistent dreams simultaneously failing and flourishing? These circumstances are Source’s sorting hat, threshing floor, and grist mill. It is all happening through us and for us. Honoring wisdom gained and letting go of the lesson requires an elevated perspective. Just look up and away from the glass or grindstone to which your nose is somehow still pressed.

We all carry lifetime agreements, which create the parameters and limits that set up an incarnation. We all carry inherited and imprinted patterns and tendencies in our bodies {physical/emotional/mental/spiritual-psychic} that have nothing to do with who we truly are. They are all part of the stage sets, costumes, and props that further Gaian role-playing. This incarnation is an opportunity to relinquish the underlying/overarching Atlas role and shrug. Set down the burden. When the “but-but” bird circles, we can choose to see past our self-created guards and protections and embrace more of what we incarnated to set free. Maybe boundaries and shields have never been what we believed them to be.

A wave of frustration arose in a recent State Shift session. “Oh no, that program is still being carried.” I thought I heard, though the feeling flitted fleetly, “We can’t lose another one.” Now waaaaiit a minute! That sounded quite a lot like a rescuer lament. This being was, quite obviously to me at least, the divine being she thought she needed to birth and mother. She was willing to see this, and the knowing was integrating. Ownership will inevitably follow. Source does impeccable work.

The memory came, swift and sure, of guardian beings who have protected my essence throughout this life insisting, “We will not allow you to become lost, no matter the muck, no matter how much is forgotten.” We are all so guarded and protected, that we may learn to honor the creative essence, the light, within, no matter what roles we might choose to inhabit.

We are within the Solstice window, the rising tide of reckoning and deliverance provided as a gift of this Fierce Grace.

We have always been ‘allowed’ to be, to embody, the Home that we require and that we are. May we open to and receive exactly what we each require. May we shrug and let go of all taking on and carrying of the games of others.

Ambulatory Grace is not a pipe dream. May we laugh with our allies, and dance with our guides, as we burst through this immersion and keep streaming.

infinite love ~


The Threshing Crucible


Dragon Tides