Happy Full Moon!

The full moon in Aquarius is this evening, at 7:35PM mountain time in the US. This is the final supermoon of 2022. What does that mean for us? What are you feeling today, or tomorrow, or whenever you might read this? I snapped the photo above, during a full moon homa on the island of Kauai at the end of 2009. The skies were full of clouds, but cleared by the end of our ceremony. The past 13 years have been a testament to that process. What efforts of ceremony might be ending, completing, or resolving, now?

Yesterday felt so still. Such a reset point, like the eye of a hurricane. Today’s energies are on the move again. The vortex spins once more, rising like the waters in a well or waterspout. In what direction, or perhaps in all of them? What is your directional orientation? Has it changed recently? How would you notice?

Funny, I’ve always “noticed” the spin I’m in. Whether that spin is of charged states of mind and emotions, or of the deeper energetics that Gaia moves through in her cosmic journey, or that she moves through us as we go along for the ride, I tend to feel what is happening. Early this morning, Amelia-kitty had gotten herself trapped in my room when I shut the door sometime in the wee hours. Unaware that she was sleeping in my chair, I was awakened with a resounding yowl as she wanted ‘out’ around 4 AM.

Lurching for the door, I almost tripped over her, which brought on her mowping version of “careful!” I let her out, let myself ‘out,’ then opened the door to re-enter my room and determine whether to arise or curl up again. There she was, the temple guardian, zipping at full speed down the hall toward my room, and dashing inside before I could fully open the door. “I must need a lot of help just now,” I thought, as I settled in, fully prepared for her pounce. Arching in triumph, Amelia marched out the door instead, forcing me to leave it ajar, which probably helped with air circulation anyway. If you’ve ever been herded by a cat, you’ll know what I mean. We live to swerve.

It’s that kind of full moon. This super moon is named the “Sturgeon” moon. Possibly because Bast and Sekhmet are partying. A good catch, perhaps? What delicious ‘catch’ awaits our awareness as the full moon energies shine a torch onto what is normally in shadow? And what shows up for release? Can you feel the mounting tides?

We are at the onset of a rising wave. Yes another, and larger. This wave will build into October and crest through the year’s end. Like popcorn, things are shifting. One kernel here, one there, a few at a time, building until the crescendo of bursting shells and exploding truths are unmistakable. Let;s not pretend that nothing is going on ‘out there.’ And, let’s not pretend is our job to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ things. Unless, of course, we’re talking about ourselves or what is right in front of us where we can lend a hand or a light ladle.

In the homa on Kauai, someone asked the facilitator what we were doing the ceremony ‘for.’ The answer was, “To shift energy. “ When the questioner asked again, “But, what for?” the facilitator responded, softly smiling, “We don’t know. We are only moving energy as the Divine requests. The earth is fully capable of shifting herself. If we love her, we can only show our love through faith and, (I believe the expression might have been “prayer.”}” But this facilitator was not one for propitiation. More, being responsible for what one loves. Not taking on, not carrying, not holding on out of fear… being responsible for our own love and ladling it from the heart.

May we bask in the moonlight and ladle light as love leads us.

Love and a blessed alignment to you all!


Coming Alive Again


The Depths of Letting Go