Keeping Up With Expansion

I’m guessing you’ve heard the story about the parting of the Red Sea, among other teaching parables? What do you imagine might have happened? Does your mind pooh-pooh it? Was it a teaching story? Was it physically real? Was it a miracle? What if it was all of that? What if your life seems to work in exactly the way you imagine it might? What does your heart tell you?

Many wise ones {and everyone who thinks they are} say that the collective is waking up. True, though the process is molasses-like in consistency. It doesn’t look like the collective is waking up, {except for where the molasses is melting}, because the doorway through the heart tends to be clogged with hurt. This is the accumulated hurt of this life, inherited patterns of hurt held in the body, and if we have so chosen, of our other bodies and other lives as well. This entire lifetime was designed to be “the. short. path.” And, as it was conceived in a martyrdom cycle… its foundational premise {of the belief systems] is pain.

The most intense form of this pain can be the heartbreak felt by beings who know other ways and other worlds and cannot fathom why things are acted out the way they are acted out in this world. And, for those not as conscious yet, that pain is infinitely layered over by all the petty stuff… not what was done “to us” but what. simply. happened. Most have no intention of consciously observing that much less the underlying heartbreak! Thus form the ‘stuck in denial’ appearances of this world.

Did you know the physical river, the Nile flows “backward” topographically? Source’s metaphors are nothing if not ingenious.

From a different perspective, all of this churning is good. Remember the film, Defending Your Life with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep? There is this great line, from a game show, “He’s facing his fear! He’s facing his fear!” Welcome to humanity’s nightmare! Still carrying your fear? Afraid to let go of any form of fear? Here it is. Right. In. Your. Face. Or, more importantly, sloughing the dross from the opening of the heart so that it can expand to contain all of your Essence.

Experiences are flows of Essence that have been blueprinted, architected, boxed, and labeled. The Divine Potter knows the truth. The clay is the clay by any other name. Where have you chosen to store creative power? {Love}

There are known tales of power, in which avatars go through a “cave experience.” Literally shut up in a cavern, with no food or water, or only enough to sustain life for a month or so depending on the stories of your traditions, a practitioner “meditates her/his way out.” How does that happen? What is the magic of utter surrender and complete trust? What can Source accomplish that our egos cannot?

When the first lockdown happened, the one where mountain lions were observed roaming the streets of a nearby city, {oh joy! rapture!} Source implied to me that this was a global “cave experience.” Like the shadows on the cave wall of yet another spiritual chestnut, many are observing only the shadows dancing, unaware that a brighter form of light creates them.

The idea of meditating one’s way ‘out’ of anything, given that a martyrdom cycle has recently ended, died, been terminated, and is over, needs to be updated. At least this is what I observe. It is time, and Source certainly agrees, to inhabit that place within us that was never imprisoned, never bound by any kind of limitations other than what we planned to create our experiences, and to let everything else go!

In the old cycle, we honed our dredging skills. Find the issue, delve to the root of the perceived problem, then find all of the tendrils of its patterns, and then, if we finally feel we’ve done enough hard work, if we’ve earned the privilege, we can let Source take over and change things. Things being ourselves, first, foremost, and always. We are what changes. We have to let ourselves be the Source within us. Nothing else accomplishes anything.

When I was a child, there was a newspaper comic called Pogo. The characcter of Pogo asserted that, “We have met the enemy, and it am us.” I concur, except that no enmity has ever been involved. On a war world, which has been the pattern here, seemingly opposing forces appear to clash. Much carnage ensues. Trauma, a product of any kind of clash, clusters around the heart. The more clash, the more trauma. More barriers to our one true doorway home create a greater challenge.

What Source is asking us now is, “Are you done playing this game?” Its field is dissolving away. Why stay and play?

I used to joke that, if ‘everyone’ woke up, there would not be enough caves to go around. Silly me. Of course, Source can create a global cave! What I might never have imagined possible, is changing everything.

Expanding from within our caves, we bring down the mountains of ideas, identities, beliefs, thought patterns, habits of behavior, personalities, and egoic forms we have spent lifetimes imagining and insisting upon.

Any cave, once it expands sufficiently, brings down the mountain. What caves do parts of you still inhabit? And, before you go into dig and delve and ‘fix’ mode, simply step outside.

The larger parts of us do not exist imprisoned within our minds. The pathless path is unique to each of our hearts, and forms around, beyond, and beneath, our little feet.

May we allow and receive this Grace. She is a synonym and solution for, “expansion.”

Happy almost-new-moon! Set some grand intentions!

Hint: No ‘Fixit’ language need apply. What did you truly incarnate to experience?

What if you could live your love, unreservedly? It takes the courage of the uncovered heart.


Being “Different”


Coming Alive Again