Looking at 2022

Gestational month heralds gestational year. ‘Film at eleven.’ A tiger walks on water.

When cosmic energies start moving forward in February you’ll see as well. Our lives will continue to re-birth according to focused intent. Every future timeline is contained in, and predicated on, how we vibrate in the present. Any present. Meaning, things can change. They are. They will do. We will move through many manifestations this year. We have. We are. The seeds are sown. What will we feed, water, and harvest? What will 11 months from now call forth from within us?

I’m not a huge proponent of chats with a ‘future self.’ Which future? What timeline? What about the infinite tracks and trajectories available? Those conversations could take way too much airtime. Here is something else you can use. Your galactic positioning system.

You are made up of a unique weave of light {energy} that vibrates in a hopefully cohesive way. That is how most of us intend, at any rate. Your config bundle is your core essence. Source’s Essence within you.

Before starting meditation, bring your focus to the still, calm place at your core. This is your galactic center, no one else’s. And, it is a part, of and connected through, the galactic center, the heart of the Great Mother. For a moment, perceive your entire being as a galaxy, whirling through space, time, and dimensions. That vision gets things in motion. The real you lives at its still center.

No matter what happens peripherally, you are still centered, grounded, and at home. You can relax and rest within the clear light of your divine expression. What if you could experience life from this place? I can report that, in my experience, it is the only field worth playing upon, especially now. You know that, you say, and so you do. For this year and what is to come, your still center is the one true touchstone for identity and all that lives beyond that concept. What you know will become your flow.

Re-setting your GPS meditation can be helpful as you re-configure and realign with your core again and again. Intentional recalibration is smoother and easier than allowing life’s circumstances to shape your journey. Or, maybe that path is more fun for you. Intensity is fun, but remember the mechanics of human-designed rides are breaking down. ‘Accidents’ will happen. Source’s waves are not only healthier but optimal for onward motion.

Pam Gregory {astrologer} has called 2022 a year of “revelations and revolutions.” I cannot disagree. As I am currently studying some of the Kuiper Belt objects [dwarf planets}, I am amazed at their relevance and influence during this time. What we don’t know about can, and does, affect us in real-time. This year will be full of revelations. Worlds are in motion, within and without. The flux has hit the fan. And it is good. We can expect radical pivots, shifts, and changes. We will see more truth than we may have ever wanted to witness. It may confront our deepest beliefs, sometimes out of the blue. We can expect the unexpected. There will be unexpected miracles as well as unexpected twists and turns. Use your surfing skills. Be ready to pivot as those moments come along.

I used to wonder how to expect something I had no idea about. Doesn’t an expectation predicate what shows up? Yes and no. If our ego expects something or has an agenda, it skews results. When we turn our expectations over to Source, however, we stop letting held patterns interfere. It boils down to going with Source’s flow in a larger and deeper way than ever before. We are being forced to trust the waves. That is this year’s training floor. Waves without ground, where we learn to root within. We will emerge having found the sweet spot on our own board.

Can you gimme cowabunga? Snoopy had it right all along!

The best {admittedly unsolicited} advice I can offer is not to cling… to anything. You may think you don’t, that you are unattached to outcomes, and that may be largely true. But let those waves roll, and watch what hidden parts of you reach for the side of the pool, for something, anything, to hold onto. A way to track yourself is to acknowledge your moments of freedom and joy. Then, watch what you reach for in the next moment. This isn’t a wrong thing, it is a habituated response. And that is something you can change.

I remember being on a retreat, many years ago. Having been reminded of this practice, I returned to my lodgings and watched myself reach for the phone. It was as though my hand had a life of its own. I observed the reaction and stopped it before it happened. I asked myself “why?” The answer, always readily available from Source if we truly want to know, was that my bodies were shifting, my awareness morphing into an unknown state of being. The part of me I knew as myself had been conditioned to reach for a familiar touchstone to support it and hold it in place. “NFW,” I told the habit and the pattern. Then, I felt my body panic. I let my inner core sink deeply into the panicked part of me. Or vice versa. It’s hard to tell in those moments. My point is that I went into the feelings, chose Source and Her love, and let go. I consciously allowed Source to continue to morph my present state, no matter what. I asked the Great Mother to soothe and comfort my body’s fears. It took moments. My reality torqued, shifted, and I was free. This year will birth many such moments.

When we sit in our core GPS, observing all other parts of us and our projected life experiences as they swirl around us, we enter fully into the observer. Then, we can choose to wait for what calls us, and what we feel called toward, from. this. place. This way of observing, from a clear, still center, is optimal for navigating the coming year.

Someone mentioned, after experiencing this type of meditation, that she felt things changing, though she could not identify or describe the changes. This year may feel the same way. The more we can rest within the ground of our Source Essence, the more we will collect, integrate, collaborate with, and become more of what we truly are. Maybe that sounds overly esoteric, though I assure you it is not.

How is this practical? When we sit in our creative center, we activate only the magnetic principles that resonate most optimally for any of our life experiences. In other words, when we allow Source to navigate through and for us, we flow around or away from detrimental events and toward what resonates.

We already know how Source’s guidance functions. This year, we will learn to trust it implicitly. It is not the only choice, but our only functional option.

How else would we navigate a shift this big? We don’t know how to control our heartbeats or our breathing functions. The Source within us already has these things in hand. Purity, humility, and discernment can shape our days and create new ways. How?

Take a deep breath. Relax, even when your body’s stress meters are spiking. Feel into your heart’s purity of intent. What does it tell you? What does your physical body have to contribute? What are you feeling? What feels good? Let the rest dissipate and fall away. It’s okay. You have every permission you might require, and every right to navigate in a new way.

Now, let go. Release it all. This is where humility comes into play. Source {your inner light} knows what to do. Your patterns do not. Let your light lead.

Discernment comes in as you feel your way into new navigational skills. You know when something feels right for you, no matter how it looks or feels to anyone else.

And, knowing is not enough. We are all learning to follow through, do that uncomfortable or scary thing, or stop thinking that uncomfortable or scary thing, and certainly stop projecting those things onto the now or the past or any version of the present. Just. Stop. Let your light lead the way.

In this year’s currents, you may find that Stillness moves you the most quickly. What stills my mind and lets me feel peaceful? That is my ticket. I will go for that ride.

I remember riding the Space Mountain roller coaster at Disneyland, enough times that my body could relax deeply into the seat and motion of the ride. That relaxation let me observe the way the walls were designed, the architecture of what supported the mechanics and the motion, without any experience of anxiety or fear. There is a parallel here, in lives lived and lessons learned. Have you had enough to be ready to see how things really work and choose accordingly?

This year is an opportunity for honing our flow skills. Always go for the greatest flow density. It is faster, always contains a way through, and is one heaven of a ride.

Surf with fierce intensity, as you relax and enjoy the waves.

~ Nalini


New Beginnings…Beginner’s Mind…& Starting Fresh

