New Month, New Energies
Yesterday was Leap Day. Did you?
Forming new foundations in February was in support of this leap. As per this month’s compass, the energies are set up for eruptive circumstances. The not-so-pretty image is of things that rise to a boil and are finally lanced. Most of this is energetic, but there may be fallout. We have surfed fallout many times in this life. We tend to forget. Or maybe there was so much happening that some things were blown past in favor of paying attention to others.
I’ve had Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham in my head for about a week now. Landslide. I freely admit the song is a favorite, but had to dig a bit and ask what was playing on the back burner and why. What reflections, in the prevalent science of images, are dissolving, fading away, or just obsolete? As the lyrics run, “Let the landslide bring it down.”
What have we, consciously or unconsciously, built a world around? What is leaving will be a bit of both. Our lifestyle bubbles, cocoons, chrysalides, luminous eggs, orbs of light, or whatever image we might prefer, have been altered. Our new foundations are not what they were, for any of us. The emerging truth is that we have built our worlds in our own images. Why wouldn’t we have done so? Setting parameters and limits is part of forming a lifetime.
What happens when the very substance of those structures alters? We are living that, now. We, each of us, are no longer what we imagined ourselves to be. The trick of surfing this passage of the change is to relax and surrender to what is. I know, we’ve heard that over and over. And yet, the foundations we keep trying to ground upon are no longer solid. It is time to let ourselves move with the greater flow densities of a changed world. Our bodies know this and constantly attempt to adjust. Our belief systems try to maintain some elevated and spiritual sense of what is right. This is only an alternate kind of status quo. What if the entire structure of what we have been taught, of what we have believed was good and right and true and spiritual, has only been accurate in some tiny pixel of what our minds can comprehend?
This enormity is often pooh-poohed. Oh, right, the ineffable is just that. We cannot know. Pass the salt. The mind is a wondrous ally when we let it be. Now there’s a koan for you.
Whatever we may have held onto that is now holding parts of our essence in obsolete patterns is changing. We are even past the point of choosing to let go. {Always a good idea, mind.} Surrendering our preferred structures makes things smoother, certainly, but is a little like building a sand castle beneath the crest of the wave. Unless we move with the deep currents of NOW, we build new structures on old principles. You may have noticed that the mind is up in arms {legs, armor, and whatever} in an attempt to cling to some semblance of what we have made real.
The great and wonderful news is that as we choose to trust our essence, it creates on the fly exactly what we most require. And, that is going to keep changing… not until we “get it right” but as Gaia’s realms upgrade and recalibrate, and even those terms fall short of the enormity of this passage. What an incredible ride!
What if we shifted from letting go to letting be? Letting our own precious and unique essence be. What then? Planetary turbulence will thresh and sort and bring obsolete fears, anger, and obsessions literally to light. When we do not engage with these trapped and stratified energies within ourselves, we set them free. No longer free to hold us, act out, or run as they choose, these energies transform. It is the way of Infinite Grace.
Have a grace-filled passage!
~ Nalini