Reinvention ~ At the Cellular Level
How much light are our bodies able to tolerate? How high can our vibrations rise? What are we in the process of becoming? These questions have been discussed in esoteric circles for eons. That they are now part of mainstream spiritual discussions is interesting, as a stepping stone to new identity.
As we head into the December Solstice, we are being bombarded with hints, clues, and gobsmacking revelations about how our identities have been held for the past cycle. Some of us may be more conscious of these crucial pieces of information than others, but we are all in the same cosmic cauldron!How much light are our bodies able to tolerate? How high can our vibrations rise? What are we in the process of becoming? These questions have been discussed in esoteric circles for eons. That they are now part of mainstream spiritual discussions is interesting, as a stepping stone to new identity.
As we head into the December Solstice, we are being bombarded with hints, clues, and gobsmacking revelations about how our identities have been held for the past cycle. Some of us may be more conscious of these crucial pieces of information than others, but we are all in the same cosmic cauldron!
What wants to be brought into wholeness, into HER Oneness, is every part of ourselves we have judged or categorized as separate. I have spent decades, now, looking into the Oneness, mostly from the various perspectives held within me by fractals of separation. In other words, we see through pieces of essence we are holding or have held separate, until we make the choice for Oneness, until we choose to surrender our contracts for separation. We see through fractals of the ALL. For me, that contract was offered up and shredded decades ago. That is a first step.
When we surrender our contract(s) for separation, the work of Oneness begins. This can be tough in a dualistic system. In duality, everything is defined in terms of either/or, one thing or another. In Quantum Truth, or, HER Oneness {same thing, different terminology}, there are infinite choices: Yes/no/this/that/ and/all three/variations on this theme. And, what human minds have been conditioned to do is to create variations on a scream. Identify with the trauma and the wounding and perpetuate that story. Separation is no exception.
Consider this quote from the King James version of the Christian Bible: “Male and female create he them.” Separation. On this world, biological reproduction is defined as requiring the bonding of ovum and sperm, the unification of two types of cells…separate? Or just different? Having unique properties? Did you know that an ovum will clone itself if punctured, with no other genetic material present? This creates an identical copy of its blueprint. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Oh, and by the way, did you notice the way the quote is phrased? “…created HE them…” Patriarchal spirituality has separation as its base, its foundation, and its core premise. As we form new identities and learn to become new stories, as works of creation in progress, this premise must dissolve, is dissolving, and will cease to exist. In alternate realities, this has already occurred. What about in our bodies?
Can a genderized body, with the basic chromosomal template of xx or xy become the Oneness? Why not? The Oneness happens at every level, regardless of form or expression. There have been many avatars on this world whose physical-emotional-mental and other bodies have accomplished this expression. We know of only a few. And, as humans tend to do, we set them up as paragons of one thing or another and choose to create more separation by worshipping or following the paragon, instead of realizing we are capable of becoming Oneness ourselves.
I don’t know about you, but I never chose to follow, I chose to become. In a dualistically based system, seekers do not become finders, followers do not become leaders. The pendulum swings ever on and on, from the one to the other, with no respite save the “middle way.” What if there is and has always been another way? HER way…
What if there were no gender split on this world or in your thinking? How would your life be different? Once your reactions have concluded their performance, sit with the question. What if Oneness has every expression and any one is no more privileged than another? This is the energetic basis for our new foundations.
At the level of light, of Oneness, we. are. all. equally. valued. Each of our cells is equally precious. No drop of blood, water, or light is less than sacred.
Are you ready to recognize this? Are you willing to give it a go? If you’re in a body at this time, you’ve already said “yes.”
We are beginning to feel the depths of this reconfiguration now. As of the Solstice, our vibrations will begin to spin, faster, higher, deeper, farther, into the outermost reaches of our innermost dreams. What is possible for us to become? We will learn this as it happens. This is immersion at Lovespeed, at HER discretion.
How can we facilitate this process? We can keep our energies clean, practice resting in HER infinite fields, let HER be the do-er, and allow our foundations to be rewoven beneath our feet… presuming we will have feet… who knows?
What we do know is how much we don’t know. SHE does. And that is what matters most of all.
So much love to you as we enter HER blender! I’m excited by what we might become!