Stirred Happens When We Are Shaken From Within
Clear light dragon of the integrated Sacred Feminine ~
Great shaking, when we let it toss us inward, reflects what most needs to shift, change, be re-purposed, and morph entirely. I find that letting it happen naturally brings the greatest flow density, the most ease, and grace.
These tremendous energies may arrive in forms we do not expect. They may shake up forms we counted on to get us where we are. These shakeups, when one becomes accustomed to shedding multiple skins at once, can be fun. Overwhelm is not invited to the party.
Your Source Essence knows exactly what you require as you assimilate and integrate vast realms of cosmic heart {dragon heart} and how best to facilitate the currents of integration. I have written about relaxing into deeper levels of surrender more than ever before. We are all learning what that is about, the whys and wherefores, and not necessarily the hows.
What is happening, at a foundational level, is that blockages we have carried for however long and for whatever reason, are being stripped away. We will no longer be separate from nor lack access to Source’s power as She chooses to manifest through us. This is NOT any form of abdication, but relaxing into the flow that is most natural to each and all of us. It is NOT a spectator endeavor.
Aversions and addictive patterns, especially the most seemingly beneficial ones, are being obliterated. Isn’t it wonderful? Old fear habits will rise to be released. RERsist the impulse to grab on, to wrestle these obsolete patterns to anyone’s idea of ‘mat.’ That time has passed. this is not to advocate the ostrich position or any other fixed abode where the limits of old realities might try to hide.
Neither ignore nor wrestle. Both will be tempting. Familiarity thrashes a bit on its way out of our fields. Established ‘truth’ gives way to a wider vision. There is no need to fear. Kuan Yin loves her dragon essence and is said to be an embodiment of fierce compassion. How does that balanced elemental flow of kindness and tough love flow as you? We are after finding out. What fun!
I remember well the occasions when Kalil took over my radio show. At first, it freaked me out in that I felt some of her comments needed editing on my part. I was so wrong! Listeners returned, stating that whatever had been offered was “just what I needed to hear.” Source does superlative work. Always.
The Great Game has changed. It seems best not to attempt to direct these new flows in any way. Keep your paddle handy, but let the ride be a new guide. What a stirring passage!
So much love!