Today I Write For My Sisters

If you know, in your heart, that the terms, “Women,” “Life” and “Freedom” are synonyms, regardless of your preferred gender identity, you will understand why my sisters all over the world are part of my heart. I write this today, in tears. Tears that martyrdom seems to still, be seen as the ultimate catalyst, the “only way.” Perhaps these tears water the inner certainty that what is life-affirming, no matter our beliefs or cultures, is what must now be honored, revered, and supported.

Perhaps I weep because, as we give life, we often give our lives as well, literally and figuratively.

I will always remember this quote, “One day an army of gray-haired women may quietly take over the Earth!” – Gloria Steinem

We had such high hopes then. And the backlash has been intense. If recent events are any indication, this sorely needed change may not be so quiet nor will all heads be grey, or said movement have any gender identity in particular. As we hold Source’s light in our hearts, as One, so may it be.

For 16 years I lived with an Iranian man. His heart was huge and largely pure, his Spirit unquenchable, as is so often true of that culture. We shared a deep love of nature, and of freedom. And yet…cultural indoctrination confines us, whether we will or not. He often said to me, “I would never tell a woman what to do!” {and thought he meant it} while doing just that, to me, his sister, and his niece… all of us living in the US and having learned to both ignore and sidestep this behavior. Walking on eggshells became a way of life. Why. Is. This. Necessary?

For me, it was a form of learning, a spiritual practice, if you will. But, for others?

What if you lived where this attitude is not only prevalent but cannot be ignored, on pain of death? What if others had the legal right to dictate your very life? What if it is long past time for this to change?

Here are two brilliant examples of what is happening:

The first speaks to fist culture, so prevalent in the Middle East and in all of us. Both speak to another way. I am keeping my part in this short, so that you may read the courage and wisdom of these two women and what they share with the world. Please read and, if you so choose, share their stories.

Are Iranian women defining the point of no return, by Negin Shiraghaei


Iran Protests: What makes this time different and why it matters for all of us, by Layla Jalillian

Blessings to you, my sisters of the heart, and, to all those who understand that “Women, Life, and Freedom” are one and the same flow of Source. May we live well in this world, together.

Thank you.

All my love and blessings,


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