What Was ‘Known’ After All?
Could discovery be more optimal? More fun? Isn’t all discovery a form of play?
When we ‘know’ what we want, Source always delivers some version of it to us. This algorithm has zero exceptions. If you still harbor longings for some imagined manifestation of perfection, you might consider this.
Knowing what we want is a choice, a decision, made in limited circumstances. Our minds perform this dance by default, within our chosen field of play. Here are the parameters I’ve designed into this incarnation, so, within those parameters, here are options that fit them.
Once we begin the awakening process, we convince ourselves that we are independent perceivers and can shift things at any time and choose differently. This is true, of course, but only when we have relinquished the agendas we brought into the incarnation. Talk about some cosmic baggage! Yes, they have to dissolve completely in their current form. Yes, that is what hinders most from full awakening. It is all about the metamorphosic process through what I have called state shifts. Others use other terms. A state shift, as I know it, is a complete change in one’s vibratory field. All components of what held a piece of illusion in place implode into the clear light and become cosmic fuel. This fuel, or re-purposed energy, then can be utilized by our Source essence, to manifest… anything with which we are vibrationally aligned.
You already know this. Why does it matter? And, in light of our new play of grounding into an unconditional unknown, are you sure?
When I demanded {yep, it was quite rude} that Source show me the construction of realities, show me how to allow those structures to morph, and to make it possible, the first thing that happened, after I landed on my bum in my home office, was that an image of the old “Are you sure?” screen appeared in my sight. Frustrating? I hope you can’t imagine. When I calmed down enough to rest in humility, I whispered, “Yes.” The next thing I heard was, ''This will change everything. Every. Thing. Over and Over. ” Little did I know. I persevered with my yes answer. I spent two years integrating what was downloaded. Things changed, over and over. Mostly, the being I knew as “me” changed, over and over. I began to realize, to integrate a constant state of transcendence. And, I can report that whatever you think that means, your concepts and definitions are inaccurate. Mine were too. SO inaccurate. And, with each morph, the old structures become transparent, easily identified as limited, and are more easily surrendered.
What if all of that happened all at once? Silver bullets are popular In a culture of instant gratification, but Evolutionary Consciousness does not work that way. It plays. When we surrender into divine play, we more easily realize the roles, props, and stage sets we have been so accustomed or attached to performing within. So what? Shall we continue on in those roles, or allow Source to play through us in new ways? Right now, during Gaia’s transition, we don’t know. We can’t know. This truth is driving most people’s personas insane.
Be kind to the awakening ones…from what is a safe distance for you. It is no one’s responsibility to sacrifice their resonant frequency range for another. Sacrifice, of that kind, is not service. It is an addiction to the importance of doing. Do people need assistance? Every one of them, in some way at some point in time. Is it yours to provide? Source, your Source Essence, will simply do the doing through you if there is a doing that needs done. LOL
Is there any such thing as “fully awake?” Truth? We can’t know. What we think we know about Cosmic Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, and Enlightenment, to name a few of our more delicious illusions, keeps us within parameters defined before birth…unless we remember, of course. What if humanity is moving through a passage, not from one illusion to a higher vibrational one, but from illusion to clarity? What if the clarity one thinks one wants has no basis in any reality whatsoever? I have been through these gateways enough times now that they have become friends. So have you, if you’re honest.
Bealtaine is such a gateway. A flavor of ‘silver bullet,’ this opening will dissolve as much as we allow, and infuse as much as we choose to receive. We can relax, letting the Source that we are, do the choosing. For a well-established persona, this is terrifying. For you, it does not have to be. Who/what are you afraid not to be? This is what you are facing in life’s reflective surfaces.
Richard Bach wrote a delicious line in his book, Illusions, “…no one wants the lights turned on early…” I have vehemently begged to differ for decades… but only with the “no one” part of that sentence. Some of us came in with a dimmer switch fully installed and an inherent manual for switching its settings etched into our fields. Some of us have a well-developed Observer function from the off. Many Observers are now switching on and the bearers thereof have no clue how to deal with that. Be kind. Be discerning, above all. Let Source show you what there is to know. Try to laugh in private. Or, let Source bellow through your store-front and live a different perspective for those who have not yet left the theater. Addictions to great popcorn are sympathetic, no?
I have diligently delved into the web of illusions woven into my various bodies that support the various ‘knowings’ I incarnated to learn about. So have a lot of people. I have diligently allowed Source to dissolve, not only what ‘no longer serves’ but … well… everything She chooses not to express through me, as me. This happens constantly. The clear light is not a fixed place, state, or condition.
For example, last night I watched a 1973 film production of Jesus Christ, Superstar, a rock opera whose music I adored at the time. This version took a fair amount of liberty with the libretto. Songs were added. A lot of the recitative {sung dialogue} was altered, or missing. Isn’t this what we do with our incarnations? We alter a known storyline to fit what makes sense to us at that moment. Then we alter it some more.
In the space of a few years along came Bernstein’s Mass, and Godspell. I loved the playfulness, the reverence, and the music. Singing to Source, as Source was finally popular! {for five minutes} The crickets get it, as do all creature beings.
What struck me, as my body remembered these musical frequency events of my adolescence was the thread of glorified martyrdom that rang through them all. Yeah, yeah, we know. Really? Has martyrdom not been played with and experienced enough? Was my body still holding on in some unconscious way? That kind of sacrifice is not, or is no longer, service. My favorite song from Godspell was, By My Side. A friend and I learned it on guitar and sang it endlessly. I would have happily, joyfully, put that pebble in every shoe I owned. {then again, I’ve always preferred barefoot} Why? Sometimes there are no words to describe sacrificial love. Maybe there need not be. It is said that what is always ready to be sacrificed is shadow. Is it a sacrifice to surrender one way of being, one shade of light, for another? Is this constancy not what we truly are?
Bealtaine is a monumental pivot point. Merry morphing!
Infinite love ~