Worlds Without End…
Can a world end? Or only an experience in particular?
Thursday last held a full moon, great tides, and many emerging currents in and between the worlds. The tides of the worlds Gaia hosts coalesced into an explosion of multiple realities. The wheel of the year extrapolated itself into toroidal forms, worlds within worlds, whose byways are accessible only to those who walk between. Gaia’s toroidal field spun like a gyroscope, on many axes at once, her only still point that of her stellar heart, and ours.
What a miracle of systems integration, these worlds within worlds, holding space for infinite realities. And what of the ‘wheel of karma?’ What place does that system, that perception, have in such an infinite, yet encapsulated, manifestation of magic?
I spent most of last evening contemplating the seeming {mental} paradox between Gaia’s infinite cyclic forms and a wheel of illusory realities one was taught to step out of or aside from. The wheel of karma, in my humble observation, can be both an illusory trap and a university of immersive learning. What are karmas, but lessons? Initiations, passed and ‘failed.’ One of my favorite lines from the film “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” reads “Some you win, some you learn.” Wisdom for all exit strategies, at least in my perceptual field.
Immersive learning is about the inner journey, the deepening in, the dropping through. Does one ‘fall out’ from under? Not in my experience. From the womb of all worlds, one can call forth any journey…and any trajectory that stretches beyond all such journeying.
I ‘care about’ this, I ‘care about’ that… I recall, with kinesthetic, visceral clarity, the awakening when all such feelings dropped away. The void of their passing left an oddness, a place between all journeying where peace reigned supreme and I could not elicit {and I tried} any movement in any direction at all. There was no calling, no pull, no push anywhere. The oddness lasted for about 48 hours if I remember correctly, and then the magic of the deepening pulled me in, enfolding all such impulsing into something more. It is difficult to describe such a journey in words. Each surrendered moment is its own infused immersion. We find ourselves within Universal Current and Universal Truth. And then, we move beyond.
Many of us are experiencing recapitulation as a side effect, a side dish, in our total reconfiguration. Recrimination can add sour to the sweet until we are reminded to look through Source’s eyes. One of my Teachers used to say that one makes every possible ‘mistake’ before becoming enlightened. I don’t know if that was his journey or not, but I have resembled that remark on many occasions. I have laughed myself silly {always a good move} saying that I have gone where the fools won’t go. {The saying being that fools go where angels fear to tread.} Have I been a fool? Over and over. Have I made every mistake? I’m not sure that parameter exists, but I have surely made a prodigious effort in that direction. And now? Nurturing the Oneness Within…would I make alternate choices? Wouldn’t we all? Perhaps not every time, but … I am now a different being than I was whenever ‘then’ might have been. Aren’t you?
Have you been able to have compassion for and integrate all of your ‘then’ moments?
As the veils are now ‘down’, and all of Gaia’s hosted worlds coalesce into a toroidal field of integration, many will see what they have not dared to dream might be possible. Many will experience what they feared was all too probable. And, we, who walk between, walk in Oneness within Gaia’s realms of light and magic. This is our opportunity and the spectrum of potentials now available.
For a few days now, since the recent full moon, I have been absorbed in vision. Decades of practice and training in walking simultaneous worlds create an advantage at such times. I tend to live well between the worlds. Which worlds are available to any of us is determined vibrationally, then inter-dimensionally, and we are held and guided within such adventures by our Source essence. This essence, this point of light, this golden thread of attention, leads us to and through our joy. Take the first step {or leap}. See what follows. Our thread of light/life/living plays out in front of our feet like a gilded trapeze.
This morning I re-watched a film that came out in 1990… exactly half a lifetime ago, for me. Its title is Mindwalk. I was reminded of its existence by a prompting from Source, as I was playing with the concepts of wheels and cycles. I can only report that this 34-year-old film anchored a Way internally. New paths branched from ancient rooting. What, I cannot yet say. I’m not sure the words matter.
I sometimes wonder about actors and roles… who is this being that played that part, and so convincingly? Once upon a time, I wandered that wonder about Liv Ullman in this film. And, so, I wandered in the footsteps of Mont St. Michel several times, including one Equinox where the causeway flooded and a brilliant sunset and full moonrise were simultaneously magically illuminated. If I had the photos, taken by Sofia at the time, the images would still not have done justice to the spectacle.
The location, a beacon of the Great Mother, despite the cathedral cap, was the beginning of a long integration that has taken almost exactly half of this life. I am grateful. What is next is, as Roshini insisted after leaving her body, “Right…Here… “ And what is yet to come?
Between and with what magicks will I yet walk?
The film is worth a watch. Here is the YT link. All that was, has broken apart, is dissolving, and already exists in alternate realities.
Won’t it be fun to find out where this goes…
much love ~