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What Does the Butterfly Become? Part Eight: White Dragon of Sacred Feminine Essence

What Does the Butterfly Become? Part Eight: White Dragon of Sacred Feminine Essence
USD 90.00



White dragons have assisted in and between all realms, as long as realms have existed. They are and guard the threads between the worlds. Their infinite interconnections of light support and nourish the infinite all. When the power of the white dragon flows through and around us, we are supported in purifying, transforming and rebuilding our fields and lives.

The white dragon represents the clear light of reality, of creative power and divine love. She assists us by moving through our lives as we allow her to do so.

The quarterly bundle is available here. When you purchase the first three in the series as a bundle, you get a small discount off the individual price, indefinite access to the recordings, and a downloadable transcript of each transmission.

This is a 60-minute live audio transmission, including Q&A.

A downloadable replay will be available for 30 days.

The old cycle was about the caterpillar self becoming the butterfly. What will the butterfly become? There are varying trajectories of new flight and new light. In this series Source offers us new avenues of exploration into the embodiment of our true selves.

This nine-month series is a deep dive into energy flow and how we ride, move with, and become new frequencies. We will be using the symbology of dragons to work with accelerated energy waves.

Cohesing and integrating elementals morph our bodies into new configurations, both energetically and physically. These higher, more refined frequencies create new alignments within us if we let them. Resistance is NOT futile, but it certainly will not help the process. Let go more deeply inward than ever before, and you will see. There is peace and strength in this alignment, far beyond what you have ever imagined.

The old construct metamorphosized embodiment from caterpillar consciousness to that of a winged one. What does the butterfly become? Some say eagle or phoenix. What if those forms are conscious awakening in waves? What if dragon energy can help?

After purchase, you will receive a link to download the event details - please note the file must be downloaded within 24 hours of receipt.

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