A 9-month Study Series in Creation, with Nalini MacNab.
The NEW series is a deep dive into the re-calibration of our internal Galactic Positioning Settings, dreaming true alignment though the heart.
As we become portals of the heart, we tap into our multidimensionality.
We learn to harness new lenses of perception and to become what we choose to create and manifest.
This 9-month series is a guided gestation for the expanded multi-dimensional embodiment of light.
As Starstreams, we morph constantly. This has, in the past, made manifestation challenging. It need not be so. As we manifest through the light within, we create from certainty, from trust, and most importantly, from love. As the world falls apart, we are tasked with redefining ourselves and our reality from the inside out.
Manifested creation can be love made real. Perhaps you incarnated to seed that construct within Gaia, or to learn it for the first time, or to practice it in the context of this world. Using the alignments of sacred geometry and universal flow, we can allow love to flow more precisely and cleanly into our creations.
This series of live, monthly audio events will begin on February 5, 2022, and end with a final transmission on October 1, 2022.
All live transmissions will be on Saturdays at 12 noon, US Mountain Time, and will each run for 60 minutes, with time for Q&A. Event Dates:
February 5: The Portal of Becoming ~ March 5: Initiation ~ April 9: Instantiation ~ May 7: Recalibration ~ June 4: Re-emergence ~ July 2: Embodiment ~ August 6: Navigating a New Way ~ September 3: Letting Your Reality Shift ~ October 1: Refining Creations/Manifestations
There are two ways to join the Recalibrating our Multi-Dimensionality Series:
Option 1: Sign up for each event individually for $63
The event replay will be available for 30 days.
You will also have an option to receive a full transcription of the event.
As each event opens for registration, you will be able to sign up under UPCOMING EVENTS.
Option 2: Sign up for the full series for $540
The full series option will be hosted on the membership site, Galactic Mother Temple. You can enrol in the full series HERE.
As a series member, you will receive:
Event access for $60 per class
Access to all event replays until the end of 2022
Written transcriptions of all events, to download and keep.
Additional commentary and explanatory notes from Nalini throughout the series