A Cosmic Sense of Self

…Is being amplified through this Solstice window. This alignment is not the same as any other identity you may have known yourself to be. It is based on the purity and integrity of what resonates absolutely within you.

I remember learning the words to “Doe-a-deer” as my four-year-old self called it, from The Sound of Music. Mum had the soundtrack on vinyl from the Broadway production and played it constantly. “Mi, (me) a name I call myself,” finally made sense of what everyone was always talking about. I imagine that what I felt about “me” must have been a little like what a pet feels when we point at them and repeat a word, over and over. I’ve spoken with a few baby beastie companions who thought their names were ‘puppy’ or ‘puss’ or something even sillier. Labels are learned. They are not an intrinsic part of us. They don’t make sense to our true natures. This is why we both adopt them (generally for ‘ease of use’) and defy their ability to control us.

A cosmic sense of self is an expanded perspective. This viewpoint extends beyond the physical body and into the infinite. It connects us with the multiverse and every potential reality. What if the mission of any incarnation is to bring into singularity, all that we have chosen to be? What might it take to embody that perspective?

The full moon on the 14th served as herald for the Solstice surge. Astrologically speaking, it impacted my midheaven, obliterating most of what I had ‘known’ to be part of any path or trajectory. Wiped. Clean. I am altered by its Presence.

As one who is quite comfortable with navigating altered states of being, this is more fun than anything. In attempting to describe the intensity of this light to a friend, I heard myself speak the words, “It’s a downpour of luminosity, so strong it cannot be tracked, like standing under a waterfall.” As I spoke those words, I felt my shoulders relax. I hadn’t realized there was tension there. At this point, I might add that neither can this tsunami of light be understood nor followed. This download must initiate, instantiate, unpack, and radiate. {Thanks to Source for the verbiage} It is doing so. I joyously await its transformations. In this nano-blip of what has seemed so very long, what is real is being revealed. Oh frabjus day! {term borrowed from Jabberwocky}

I find this joyous receptivity to all that Source offers, to be a lovely way to live. Another friend and I were chatting, was it yesterday? She asked what I meant by saying that “…everyone will have to learn this lesson, during the current transition…” The human collective is being taught about love, trust, and what is truly nourishing and sustainable. From 2020-2024ish, Gaia’s frequencies are altering, rising, shifting, and we with her, in all of our inhabited bodies. That’s a given, from my perspective. What that will mean, for many, if not all of us, is that we will be face-planted in our old ways of doing and being until we literally look up and away from our day to day and choose to let Source lead. My friend agreed, stating that she lives this way and it’s much more fun. #metoo

Some of us have been living Source-directed lives, in our various ways and means, for a long time now. Many on the planet are new to even the glimmering of an idea of what this new direction might mean. We don’t live in their worlds. They don’t live in ours. This is as things need to be. And, when we are triggered by something or someone else, we no longer need to see them as a direct mirror at all. What is showing up is some vestigial alliance with what works for someone else, that feels ‘off’ or even ‘stupid’ to us. Out of alignment, yes. Stupid, from our perspective, or theirs, perhaps. That data is irrelevant. Theses are only obsolete labels born of a dying world.

True discernment is in feeling and listening through the heart for what is appropriate for us, while listening and feeling, with our hearts cleanly centered in our own bodies, to what is being expressed by those around us. Does it resonate? If not, it belongs to someone else. If we feel something along the lines of, “I really hate it when…or, it really bothers me when…” then we can observe what is true about the core feeling beneath the labeling, blaming, and finger-pointing our ego wants to indulge in, and honor that truth, while dropping the rest. Blame butters no parsnips. Just sayin’.

When we ask ourselves, “How can I ever be free of being triggered?” Step one is to honor our own connection to and immersion within divine truth. Relax into it. Breathe. Rest there until the charged state shows itself to be the smoke-and-mirrors game it is. Let the alleged source of the trigger release its energy into something more productive. Let your Source Essence point the hose.

How is this related to a Cosmic Sense of Self? Functioning in this way IS THAT. There is always a bigger picture and we need not practice mouse medicine {focused exclusively on the minutiae} to the exclusion of other perspectives. I find that the more perspectives I integrate, the easier is life’s flow. Source provides the appropriate lens of perception at the appropriate moment. It’s such a relief to drop the burden of ‘having to know.’ We do not. We will not… not during this transition. Source can then play through our awareness with the full complement of roles and costumes available, as we observe from within.

Our Cosmic Sense of Self does not need to know. It simply IS. From there, all things can be honored, respected, and embraced, or they cease to exist in our reality. This is as it needs to be. This is what we are.


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