When the Shift Becomes the Fan
Source’s metaphors are nothing if not upfront, obvious, and, quite often, hilarious. This week, being Solstice -> Birthday week, I ‘signed off’ inwardly and have been a bit offworld, from a certain point of view. I can report that the waters are wondrous!
One of the obviouser and obviouser happenings has been that, as summer in the mountains heats up, my body requires assistance. Over the years I have heard comments such as, “You run hotter than most, yes?” That was one of the kind ones. ;) Well, yes. This is due partly to the surges of shakti/kundalini that infuse my physical body and partly to my body’s Celtic blood. So, a week or so ago, I resurrected the little fan that circulates the air in my little room. On cooler mornings I use it to bring in fresh air. The rest of the time it performs its circulation function… often with me sitting quite nearby for maximum effect.
Yes, there is aircon here, thank the maker, but my housemate is easily chilled. So, in order to find a compromise, sometimes she shivers, and sometimes I stifle. In winter I clandestinely close my heating vent and crack open a window in order to sleep. In altitude summer, she sometimes does this as well. We attempt to be considerate of one another to the best of our mutual abilities. Most of the time things flow along quite harmoniously.
And then, there are the days when temperatures soar above the hundred degree mark, my friend is in shady breezy heaven out in the garden and I am… well… in physical shutdown mode, so that my body can function. My cute little fan blows what feels like heat, which phenomenon I cannot explain. So I asked, in meditation, what needed to change, knowing all the while that the answer is, inevitably, “me.”
I was impulsed to look online for… the obvious, a new fan. Rather than perpetuate our mutual adjusting of the thermostat up and down, Source provided a new and better, and yes, a bit more expensive, device. Not only does this fan do a better job with air circulation, it is much quieter, which is another must for me. The other fan was advertised as ‘silent,’ which…not so much. Bless its little blades. So the new, definitely quieter beastie, is a gift I allowed myself to both give and receive.
My housemate can keep the aircon at a comfortable temperature for her, and I no longer swelter in my little southwestern-exposed sanctuary between the hours of 5-8 PM when the relentless altitude sun bathes my windows. In other words, the shift became the fan. I love Source-inspired solutions, even the obvious ones!
So what is this really all about? The answer is “Perspective.” As my body has been going through yet another total dissolution, and identity of any kind has become laughable, perspectives flow through my consciousness like crystals dissolving in water. There are massive energy surges occurring in the celestial realms, affecting our bodies and our world. Every current within these mighty waves holds vast depths of wisdom, and of fresh perspective. I can report that being “no one” is a thoroughly joyous affair. It is being the light that shines through the kaleidoscope, rather than any one or more fractals of what it presents. Infinite opportunities for beauty in infinite manifestations.
Just when I knew there was nothing left to let go, and had become comfortable with that knowing… it happened again. From the Isian initiation of “you who are mine,” in 2011, and all that has come after, through the becoming of all that has entailed, I have flipped through Her Infinite dry-cleaning rack of archetypes, abilities, and identities. All exist within the One that has no other. There is nothing more to become. So, how is this shift the ‘current that flows Her essence in and between all worlds?’ In simpler terms, the fan?
We are in the ‘dogs days of summer,’ meaning that Sirius A {Sothis, for the Sisterhood-of-Three initiated} and our Sun rise together this month. What ‘mothers’ our sun, holds it close and amplifies its life-giving essence, during this time. In the Eastern, pre-dawn sky, five planets are in visible alignment and three more, celestial, non-visible, objects rise with them, along with a crescent moon. What auspicious skies! What wonder! How infinitesimal we seem to be in comparison.
And, in synchronicity with current celestial celebrations, Matariki has recently been made an official national holiday in New Zealand. Matariki, the Maori name for the star cluster we know as the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, is their New Year. It is marked by the pre-dawn rise of this beloved star cluster in the pre-dawn sky. This conclave of radiant beings has many names and is known in every culture. What we recognize as the Pleiades, in Hawaiian is Makali’i, ‘eyes of royalty', and in Japan is Subaru, meaning ‘gathered together’. The Seven Sisters’ wisdom is such that as perception unifies, they dance their expression as One.
This Solstice window is a time to reflect on the past year, or cycle, to celebrate what is present within us, and to lovingly gestate our dreams to come. Oh, and the celebration of Matariki in this year of 2022, happens to be on my birthday. “Thank you, Source, that I live a splendiferously magical life!”
The perceptual shift, or grand pivot in this moment, is from becoming Her gaze and movement through any ‘one’ to a unified expression of being Her exquisite love. The transformation maiden of Butterfly shifts through the rise of Eagle and ashes of Phoenix into Swan. The parts of my vision that still gazed ‘at Her’ now see ‘as Her,’ in a fresh configuration of completion and new beginning. I am breathless in awe of what is yet to come. Mother made me. I am She.
Thank you all for being a part of Her glorious dance of life. May the winds of heaven blow you away.
Isn’t celestial family the best?