A Dance of Shadows

It is a morning of no shadows. In the US, today is Groundhog Day. In this Pennsylvania-Dutch tradition, if a woodchuck emerges from its winter burrow and sees its shadow, it beats a hasty retreat underground. This is said to be a portent of another six weeks of winter. If, however, the woodchuck does not see a shadow, it may begin to forage a bit, heralding an early Spring. It is also said, by some, that on such a day one’s life can change dramatically. Mythology for a cold grey morning.

Thick cloud cover begins to show a sculpted face, indicating that the Sun has begun to burn through the heavy grey overcast. Will its light prevail? Humanity may well be asking this of itself at present. Am I willing to see my shadow and not run and hide?

In the Mayan traditions, “days of no shadows,” notably at the time of the Equinox in March, occur when the sun is directly overhead. For those who live near the Equator, this can be a daily occurrence. A day or time of no shadows is an opportunity for introspection. Where is there light? What can be clearly perceived?

An auspicious day today. A new beginning. A delicate time of reverent renewal. Yesterday, the 1st of February in the Gregorian calendar, is traditionally Saint Brighid’s Day. Like all of the major turning points in the Wheel of the Year, its significance has been changed from one of honoring an alignment of Earth and Sun and the change of seasons known as Imbolc, to one of honoring a Saint. When a system of dominance seeks to overrule natural order, these events are commonplace.

Astrological Imbolc falls on the 4th of February this year, as all such alignments shift with the Earth and Sun. Lunar New Year falls on the 9th or 10th, depending on where you are in the world. These holy bookends make for an interesting week. Transcendent? Perhaps. There is certainly celestial opportunity if one seizes the moment and takes the leap. This is a leap year, after all. And this cycle of quantum leaping has found us, no seeking required.

This is an inner leap, like the woodchuck retreating into the burrow. Where is there light? Compassion? Nurturing and nourishment? Where do support and cherishing exist within?

Imbolc is known for the emergence of snowdrops, budding heads bent in reverence for a new cycle of life. Their patient unfolding radiates a sweetness into the atmosphere. Groundhog Day is known for woodchuck wisdom. Is the woodchuck hiding from the sunlight? Or is the inner light equally honored? What is emerging and/or hiding within each of us?

Beautiful late afternoon sunlight and long shadows are common in the winter months of colder climes. It looks as though today’s dance of Sun and Cloud will end in such an emergence. Is this an indicator of an inner dance?

Whilst working through deep personal and collective shadow, it helps if one rests in the light.

A Blessed Brighid’s “Day” and Happy Groundhog Day! May the shift move you from the inside out and every blessing find you.

Infinite love,


“Scottish Falafel and English Muffin Tea”


Light Body Multi-tasking