Light Body Multi-tasking
Are you able to feel how and when your essence is being utilized as the Source that you are? When celestial bodies use or infuse you, are you aware? This kind of awareness will be more and more cultivated within each of us during the coming year.
For example: Having studied ten different Kuiper Belt Objects over the past two years, I have become adept at their energetic on-boarding. The method utilized during this study was immersion in a specific dwarf planet energy for about 6 weeks, during which time those emanations became very familiar. In short, my essence made new friends and relations. Extrapolated to the rest of my day-to-day, I became increasingly cognizant of, not only the energetic orbs within whose essence I was steeping but also more aware of where my resonance was flowing and/or being utilized. Over time, I was more able to discern which of these friends were flowing through my field and how that shaped my experience. I would say that this is the essence of astrology, the ‘language of the stars.’ I love this language. It makes more sense to me than most human languages. That said, I recognized something else of supreme value during this process.
Re-cognized, cool word. A process of bringing something into conscious awareness that had, perhaps, been long forgotten or ignored.
People keep telling me how exhausted they are. Me too, as the saying goes. Usual methods of self-amping fail to work or increase fatigue to the point of having to lie down. I recommend taking stillness breaks regularly, whether in meditation or not. While in a still place, notice what is going on with your emanations. What are you radiating? Projecting? And, more importantly, are there streams of energy being utilized ‘elsewhere?’
We are so much more than we know. There are so many more of us than we know. This is a truth that will be more and more recognized as Gaia transitions, and we with her. But, back to energy utilization.
For example: I have been immersed, along with a few dedicated assistants, in the process of publishing my latest book. The mystical adventure story, Thirteen Jewels of Transformation, is the tale of an inner transformation entirely guided by Source’s impulses, played out upon the global stage of thirteen full moons and what each reflects to the journeyer and this world.
I not only wrote each chapter, but I lived the morphing of energies it brought to Gaia in a very conscious way. It was mostly-absorbing and great fun. During the past year, while doing sessions for people, hosting transmissions, taking astrology classes, and living my days, gestalts of bandwidth were absorbed in being absorbed and in transmitting these energies as Gaia’s Source connection chose to do. That flowed through my field, as my field, and was noticed mostly by me and me alone, simply because my attention was so directed.
Every inhabitant of the planet went through the passage that was 2023. Everyone experienced the shifts in one way or another. As so often happens, the degree to which anyone is conscious of these changes in vibration determines how much is on-boarded at any time. Have others been part of the absorption process? Naturally. This is a global event! Nature is, of course, front and center, as are her creature beings.
Here is what I noticed yesterday. I felt the specificity of flow being utilized to support individuals who are going through the aftermath of what humans call the death of a loved one. Source energy {love} moving in those directions, check. Comfort and support through what is always a state shift in how love moves and can be received. Humans call this grief. Like anything purging right now, it is a release.
At the same time, an intense amount of inner focus held the process of formatting and submitting a manuscript for publication. This is a tedious and time-consuming process best described as intensive attention to detail. Luckily, I had both physical and non-physical assistance. When one finally ‘pushes the button’ it feels incredible. Accomplishment? Yes. Exhaustion? Certainly. And this is where exhaustion can be a benefit and not only a feature of experience. As I semi-collapsed, I wondered, where else was my energy being utilized? What other inputs might be streaming into my field, of which I had been unaware? There is certainly a wow factor in witnessing these currents.
Many of us have had the feeling of physical exhaustion that comes with having our essence ‘used elsewhere.’ Most of the time we don’t pay attention. How could we, possibly? It seems that, as 2024 ramps into its dragon flows, we must revive this little-practiced art.
As I drifted between meditation and almost sleep, I observed vast cosmic structures of what the story calls the “dragon’s heart,” a multi-chambered experiential realm of love.
I witnessed Source’s love in the act of creation, dissolution, and the realms within which these experiences happen. And, finally, I truly witnessed, at least in part, {how many filters are there, in infinity.} what the larger part of my essence has been up to all along.
May you be so blessed! And, have a rest!
Infinite love,