A New Lunar Year
A passage of pervasive insistence has found us. Have you ever watched a rivulet topple a stone? As a child I spent hours in the creek at the bottom of our hill. In late summer certain bends held only a centimeter or two of running water, slipping over the shale bottom like light on velvet. When a rock fell into this flow, or was tossed there by less respectful wanderers, it took the waters a day or so to quietly move the obstacle parting their flow. I made a game of watching and waiting to catch the exact moment when the stone or pebble would wobble, topple or slide. It always happened. Long past the rushing tumult of the spring melt, these quiet waters held a different kind of power.
This first lunar immersion acts like a still pond, into which an orb of new frequencies has dropped. First the download sinks in, melting into the whole, barely disturbing the waters that were. Then, the underlying ripples begin their work, moving outward, carrying higher octaves with them. These ripples moves powerfully beneath the surface of what seems to be, rocking any stability whose time has come. Footholds or bastions of power that were, find themselves bereft of foundational support. What seemed to be entrenched is steadily undercut by Grace.
The precision of this persistent action is wondrous to observe. One by one, stuck energies of domination and control are moved aside. As with pebbles in the creek, many of these topplings will go unobserved. Yet, one by one, each contributes to a changed world. Gaia is up-leveling. Did they think they were immune? Did they think anything lasts forever?
I can tell you what does persist and remain, steadfast, if not constant in its forms and expressions. Your Source Essence and that of all things exists beyond all imagining. The love that you are, whose intelligence quotient of light, that which knows how to act and when to take action, never fails.
There is a green comet traversing Gaia’s skies. Its last appearance was some 50,000 years ago. An astrologer asked, “Does a green comet bring green energy?” Our hearts can rise to that hope. We can treat this visitor as a ‘green light’ for new horizons. Perhaps it is a sign, leading us past the realms of hope and doubt, into new waters of life.
This is the lunar year of the water rabbit or hare. Funny, I always want to capitalize “Hare.” These beings command respect. While in France, I used to watch them outrun local cats and ferrets and out-fox the foxes. Two hares, working together, would play the "‘racing game’ with local predators. Their strong legs and strategic alliance in confusing the dynamics of the chase would inevitably end with hares safely hidden in their burrow while the cat or ferret or fox lay panting in the field above.
Rabbits are teach us about strategic action and trust. Rabbit is not only the fear-caller, “Oh Eagle, I’m so afraid of you, don’t come get me!” but the understanding that facing that fear, understanding its source and flow, leads to thriving. When faced with predation, bunnies know when there is room to run, when to freeze and turn to stone, and when it is safe to venture on. Their lives are linked within the arms of the Goddess. Are our any less held and protected?
The currents of the new lunar year are meant for deep and present immersion. Each new infusion brings re-generation. Like stones in a quiet stream, we are being moved, ready or not. When we feel deeply, we know the roaring currents of the spring melt, held in this gentle embrace.
The water tiger led the way for the water rabbit. How perfect is the Galactic Mother’s symmetry? These waters hold a different kind of power. They nourish and nurture as they carry us home.