Integrating the Pearl
The full moon of 6th January downloaded a pearl of ferocious gentleness, of courageous and sustainable frequencies of being. It is a new foundational construct, a space within which any of us who so choose can safely dream new dreams.
Long ago, In what is now called Egypt, the architects of human design requested help from another dimension. Into the design of the structures of the Giza Plateau, the epochal record of Sep Tepi, the architects asked the Hathors to infuse their deeply held heart-based frequencies into the temples so that the human race might not be led astray in their evolution.
Our galaxy is named the Milky Way for the Earth-centric appearance of what looks to be a river of stars. From this river, the milk of life, the bounty of all good things, was known to flow. The Hathor energies infused the nourishing, nurturing energies of Source from the stars into the monuments and temples, showing a higher-frequency path, another way. The infusion of the Hathor energies shifted the realities accessed by the temples and their initiates into the frequencies of cosmic love.
The pearlescent energies we are now integrating are a fresh infusion of what could be called next-level Hathor energies. The Hathors, immense beings of incandescent luminosity, have indicated that they helped in shaping this infusion and its permeating, all-pervasive light. Once again, these emissaries of Source have assisted Gaia in shifting a reality construct. And, this lovely gem holds so much more.
The pearl we are integrating is a foundational space into which more frequencies will be infused with each of the 13 full moons of 2023. This is an obliteration of what has gone before. It is a fresh field with which to begin anew. Some energies will assimilate these fresh frequencies and shift accordingly. Some structures and energies will simply cease to exist, as they cannot thrive in higher frequencies.
This first gem, this pearlescent construct, will assist us with our total reconfiguration, a radical and complete shift of, to use Castanadian terms, our assemblage points. I have described this type of re-set as a new Galactic Position Setting. It is a thorough and unconditional shifting, from the inside out. One’s perspective shifts from the current, personally identified self, to the Source-Self, or to Source’s point of view.
As these gems unfold and integrate within us, may we see, each in our own ways, with Source’s eyes.