An Ocean on the Move

As the latest Great Wave crested yesterday, at Bealtaine, it brought with it the entire sea of our current journey. Imagine a tsunami so large it draws into itself every sea on our world, every drop of rain, every particle of flow. This Wave shapes all before it.

What is now re-arranging itself? What moves from the surface to the depths? What buries itself in the sands? What travels further than ever before? What thirsts that has never known the sensation? We are all learning from this immersion.

We imagine that once a wave crests, it subsides. We imagine a regular back and forth between ebb and flow. We have imagined this within our seas and our bodies. What if the surge continued on? What if what we take for granted as in-breath and exhale are symptoms of deeper flows?

Navigators know to look for the seventh wave, the largest in any sequence of surface cresting. Surfers know these as well. Our current experience, within our current transit, is beyond any surface awareness. We are being drawn deeper, and deeper still.

This is a cosmic wave, a ninth wave, a wave that shapes every destiny within its path. How glorious! How wondrous! What magic and mighty mystery!

“They say the sea is cold yet the sea contains the hottest blood of all.” ~ Whales Weep Not, D.H. Lawrence

Those of us with Sirian codings hold within us our cetacean natures, the physically and holographically doubled brain that rests but never sleeps. This is an embodied model of consciousness generally misunderstood by those who self-identify as bipeds. Are you a biped in anything but your current structure? Do you believe your brain is split in two? For what purpose? Had you ever considered another way to be?

This is not to deny present physiology, but to open consciousness awareness to the concept of alternate configuration. Our ways of being are limited only by how we believe them to function. This applies to all of life, to every belief, and every beat of reality that moves through our hearts.

In alternate densities, live alternate functions. As the Waves empower new foundations, our ideas of how things work will shift, and shift mightily. We can be open. We can be willing. We can be ready. We are certainly able. It is why we chose to be here at this time.

Nature moves with these waves. The Oneness breathes joyfully with their journey. So can we.

Our present course takes us through and beyond the Solstice in June. That course is Infinite in nature and being.

What a wondrous world is forming beneath our feet, through our hearts, and within each breath.


Joy, Trust, and Being Love


Almost Bealtaine ~ What Then?