Another Full Moon

…on the heels of a “Friday the 13th” experience. Unconscious expectations are interesting. So are death fears, projections and expectations of worst case or horrific experiences.

I hadn’t realized that yesterday was the 13th, until this morning when I was looking up the exact alignment of the upcoming full moon. Laughing out loud. Of course. These events would happen on ‘that day.’ And, this morning, I realize that there have been leftovers in my vibrational config file about what the day “Friday the 13th” means, as a potential death or ‘bad luck’ omen. Odd, what our memory banks retain, no matter what we have chosen to dismiss or to believe.

It helps to remember that a belief is only a thought pattern to which we have assigned benefit, a pattern that can be easily changed.

Setting “Friday the 13th” free of all projections and constraints feels great, as all such freedoms invariably do. I wondered, “why this and why now?” It seems we have many such releases in store. The impending full moon {at 2:01 AM on the 15th, where I live} offers a massive release within the immensity of the Solstice window.

My awareness might have said that there was no such silly ‘date-time’ debris in my field. My emotional body felt differently and leaned into the purge.

What began, yesterday, as a quiet respite in a busy week, turned into a full-on support day. Source held me as a providing conduit on multiple fronts, each holding the potential of immanent death of the physical body. One, holding on in order to manage a needed completion, and the other not planning to leave the body at all, except temporarily, while it was drugged and healing. In both instances there was a full measure of surrender present in those individuals. And yet…Source’s measuring cup seems to have widened and deepened, at least insofar as I am able to perceive.

In one case, the person in question was afraid I was going to tell them that this was yet another shift and they were not going to die. In another, the person feared the death of a beloved companion. The best question asked all day was, “Tell me the truth. What is the truth?” and, “This is what scares me.”

When we acknowledge any fear and accept its presence while not buying in to what it offers, we set the stage for freedom.

I can report that, on this day, the eve of a powerful full moon, the purging continues, sans drama. Dropping the human drama is one of its gifts. Lightening up lets us more easily flow through the Solstice and into what can be entirely new.

Why do full moons have such power? They light up what we have not wanted to see, feel, or know. This is a Gemini full moon, heralding a Solstice that forms on the Galactic Cross. So, there’s that. I recommend active listening. What might we be shown? What is there to perceive?

Does the astrology matter? In my view, its reference offers perspective, and sheds celestial light that does not shape experience, but allows us to perceive it more clearly.



Happy Solstice


Solstice Alignment ~An Amazing Adventure