Happy Solstice
This morning I rose early to be with the exact alignment, then curled back up under the duvet to nap a bit longer. The sun had not yet risen when I got up and made tea. Blessing the day was amplified many times and filled my heart with quiet gratitude and joy as Gaia and I bonded at the start of a new journey.
Today’s energies are so still, pristine, rarified, even, and beautiful that all my bodies seem to want to do is bask in this quiet light.
A memory surfaced, quite early, before the sunrise, of being at Montsegur in the South of France. Having hiked to the top and wandered through the fortress, I climbed offsite to a secluded spot to meditate. The slope of the Pyreneés on the opposite side of the valley looked close enough to touch. The energy of the peak, whereupon I sat, was glowing and glorious, similar to today’s, yet not.
Many who had made the trek with me were busy efforting to clear the energies of the burned ones that lingered below in a few versions of reality. I wondered, in a hushed whisper, if there was anything there for me to do. “Je vous console” is a phrase some part of me remembers from that time-space and those circumstances, yet it felt empty of content and meaning as I sat, meditating in all that golden glory. Source answered, in the image and voice of a former teacher, “When do you get to sit in energy like this? Relax and enjoy!”
The Stillness took over about halfway through yesterday’s transmission. Does it indicate having traversed the portal? Yes and no, as everything is always a morph in place. “Yes” is the simpler answer.
Today marks the Capricorn Solstice of 2024, when our Sun aligns at 0 degrees of that sign and seems to remain still for three days, embodying its own Trinity emanation. The waveform of this stillpoint of completion and and commencement rolls on for what looks like 90-ish days. I read 96 somewhere via Galactic Astrology. What I perceive is a heaving tide surging with birthing energies of every kind and some we may not yet have imagined.
How often do we get to experience energies like this? Let’s enjoy them and Be Absorbed.
A blessed Solstice to all ~