Approaching the Flower Moon
We are now four moons in, in the passage of thirteen for the year 2023. Each has built in intensity. April’s Libra moon ushered in a tide of physical balancing for bodies, and our body-mind alignments. And it has brought messages of how and where we are out of balance within ourselves.
May’s full moon, at 15 degrees of Scorpio, is known as the Flower Moon. The name reminds me of a rhyme taught in year three of primary school, “April showers bring May flowers.’ This full moon is also eclipsed, marking the end of the current eclipse window that began with the full moon of April. May’s lunation brings more currents of change home to roost. Astrological alignments supporting this eclipse indicate a strong influx of truth into what has been hidden on all fronts. As hidden depths are revealed, we recognize more and more of what we are. Our galactic citizenship is reasserting itself and pushing away veils of forgetting.
What is purging most intensely, is the weave of entrenched threads of how we have allowed our inner natures to be compromised and controlled. Deep memories of what we might not recognize as trauma are surfacing to be acknowledged and released.
Patriarchal, hierarchical forms of control are those we know. We have been conditioned to count on them. So, this eclipse has the potential to show us where we are addicted, where we have negative merging, where we are afraid to let go of these controls. I find it helps to recognize that these are systems of artificial dominance and external authority. This awareness makes it easier for the mind to allow the body to let go. Almost all guidance from Source at this time boils down to one thing: Let go!
We are in a ‘now or never’ moment. The eclipse is all about karmic completions in the realm of where we are not balanced in wholeness. It has certainly pushed healing crises through my body. One day will be super-charged with downloading energies and I feel physically great. The next current of integration might bring localized pain, or a massive histamine reaction. Each ripple clears within 24 hours or so. These are not new experiences, for me, but their frequency and intensity has been greatly magnified during this passage.
Edge-running hast its costs, and also its benefits. After each purge, I feel lighter and more able in my body. We are moving through an evolutionary leap, and this is a gift! Best to go with its flow.
The coming week and month are pivotal. The full moon / eclipse / Bealtine cross-quarter holds multiversal gateways for fresh timelines and trajectories for us all. Our bodies need not struggle to keep up, as some say. Our bodies are ambulatory miracles, born of Gaia’s relationship with our stars. It is only old structures, beliefs, attitudes, and agreements that now need to die for us to rest in what is arriving and real for us.
Let the old world die around you. Does that sound cruel? If so, you have beliefs to attend to. A tree does not lament the coming of autumn and winter. Neither do the energies we have held in old patterns need to fear our inner spring. We are blossoming into more, out of the compost of what has been an experience of limitation.
What we fear to let go is the only thing seeming to hold us in a paradigm whose age has now come and gone. I notice, that when Source gives the instruction to release, some gladly hold their hands to their hearts, extend their arms, and ask for release. And, lo and behold, tucked away in the palms of their hands are little rascally bits of patterns seemingly too precious to part with. These bits of baggage are often only too happy to climb back aboard.
Commitment to a love-based reality helps to let fear transform.
Pam Gregory and Heather Ensworth just released this discussion of the upcoming eclipse. I hope you enjoy it!
May the energies of the coming week transform you completely!
Much love,