The Death Process
And Shamanic Dying
This has been coming up in sessions between the Equinox and the start of the Eclipse window. Deeply held parts of our egoic controller patterns are being pressured and purged, as we let in more light. Hint: The light will out. It needs our support, our honoring, and our love to thrive.
How is this done? A bit like this:
I am not my body, bodies come and go. This physical body is an on-going manifestation of flow.
I am not my thoughts, they come and go. {thank goodness!} there is no need to hold onto any of them.
I am not my beliefs, they are born of thought patterns I have chosen not to live without.
I am always well able to choose differently.
When I choose differently, and allow Source to move my assemblage point, my timelines, trajectories, and orientation within the Oneness, I am different. I now express more of the Oneness within.
We are all manifestations of truth. THE TRUTH is an infinite field of Oneness. We are fractals of this whole. True change, transition, and metamorphosing, happens first at the quantum level {tiniest observable particles}. Prior to that, our frequencies change, according to our choices. Choice, commitment, and connection, then create new patterns along which our quantum particles travel. We are the spherical morphing waves of our continuum.
How does this relate to death, dying, and the egoic or shamanic death process? See above paragraph.
What happens, in a given dream which we perceive as a lifetime, is that we set parameters for the adventure. With any luck, and what some call good karma, we remember that this is an adventure and make our in-journey choices accordingly.
We always decide, at the essence level, what we are here to learn and to use for our evolution and growth. The martyrdom cycle offered many such options, most of them involving pressure and ‘pain.’ If we had not gone through these experiences in the Infinite, we may have been curious. Maybe not so much now? The point has always been to learn, to let the wisdom in any circumstance find us, and to let the lessons go. I repeat: LET THE LESSONS GO. Set your alignment free of its ‘given’ parameters.
How is that done? To be fully awake in any dream, we must surrender into the flow of Source that we are.
What does that take? You know the answer. Dedicated discipline and practice. Letting go into the light we are is entirely simple. And yet, we complicate our journeys in the most intricate and tangled ways.
What is a Bardo?
From Wikipedia: “Used without qualification, "bardo" is the state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth. According to Tibetan tradition, after death and before one's next birth, when one's consciousness is not connected with a physical body, one experiences a variety of phenomena.” And what if we are able to pass through many of these states in one physical body, one life? What if that is what we incarnated, this time, to do and to be?
Try this on: “I came in to utilize my star-streaming gifts in limited and seemingly limiting ways. I would not have felt that was possible, but it seems to be, here. I am a limitless expression of All That Is, having a seemingly limited adventure.” Feel into the truth of this flow of information and how it sits in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Try not to let your mind take over and/or talk you out of how this feels.
When you begin to feel exuberant joy, you’re onto something! Follow that thread in consciousness. You may find it loops in on itself and you find a new center, a new expression of being that you recognize as home.
And how does this life qualify?
Notice the flimsy nature of your experiences, especially during this transition. Whether or not you pay any attention to the science of astrology, or to what cosmic influences are up to, I’m betting you are feeling how much of a transformational time we are living through.
We are dying to our old beliefs, thought patterns and habits of behavior. Needs must. To inhabit yet another {vastly different} vibrational field, all old ways must transform. Intermittent states of being become the ‘norm.’ We begin to become comfortable as streaming beings, in a continual flow of morphing.
When our physical bodies cannot keep up, it is always because of held energies on our parts. Aligning those various parts is best done by the Source within us. She always knows where the deeply coded resistance resides, and what is needed to release it. These bodies were designed to hold infinite light, and not necessarily designed to be indestructible. Are there permanent bardos? Would that not be a contradiction in terms?
There are planetary parameters that guide and determine {not control} all journeys. When we flow along with these parameters, taking their highest octaves of experience as our smorgasbord choices, we enjoy a smoother ride. When all parts of us are in alignment, our experiences shift and change.
What most of us experience is a mixed bag of choices made on multiple levels. How do we align? Let the Source within make the choices, then commit to that experience, no matter what. This level of surrender will not feel safe to the egoic controller programs that do not want to die. Well spotted on their parts. Our frequencies must shift into alignment for permanent change to integrate. We intuitively and instinctively know how this happens. Our parameters tell us otherwise. {Don’t listen!}
Hint: This level of transformation cannot be controlled by ego, mind, command, or plea.
Try this on: “I am ever as I am meant to be.”
The trick, if there is one, is to relax into that flow of Source and see where it takes you.
Source never harms us. How could Grace harm itself?
Shamanic death is dying to old beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and ways of self-identification.
Is what you believe physical death to be, anything other than a radical form change?
At least consider the possibility, as Gaia and her elementals {from which our bodies are made} transform.
“There are things I still wanted to do, be, have… “ Yep. #metoo Those things may happen, or they may not. Perhaps they will happen in dreaming. What if everything does?
I had the most delicious dream, last night, of designing and staging a production of How The Elves Traveled Into This Age’ What fun! Swan boats, butterfly wing sails, and all. And, that dream ended as body awoke and asked for tea.Is either experience less delicious than the other?
Are you willing to exchange one bardo for another, in order to have those experiences? Only you can respond. Your heart knows the answer. The Source of you, knows the truth.
Let go into your own Divine flow!
May the eclipse window shatter your old beliefs into the quantum expression of your essence! And may you emerge, again and again, renewed.
Mahabharata: 'What is the greatest wonder in the world? That, every single day, people die, Yet the living think they are immortal.'
What shall we play next?
Infinite love!