Asking is Always Answered

Does this mean that every time you ask Source, or Guidance, or your own awareness, that the answer is always there? YES. Answers exist in the same frequency range as their questions. Our issue with Getting Answers has to do with what we believe or allow ourselves to perceive.

I recommend starting here: I am always taken care of, and the guidance I require is always present.

Move into Stillness. Don’t reach. Rest, and Allow. Power is the stillness from which all things flow. Being empowered is embodying this.

Simple, right? The practice that creates fluid, functional awareness is opening to BE aware.

Some call this paying attention to synchronicity. Some call it a constant state of inner listening. Call it what you will, the ‘it’ in this practice is a constant state of grounding in N.O.W. and honoring what an inner Nurtured Oneness reflects to us.

Example: I was querying the difference between what I experience as a constant meditative state of connectedness and the reflections it provides, and what happens with those who serve as Channels. I’ve been listening to a series on entitled Interviews with Extra-Dimensionals. The interviewees work as channels for various beings and collectives.

As with any form of media, some episodes resonate, some do not. I watch only those that ping my awareness at any given moment. Source provides synchronicity through media by drawing my attention to a video, however long or short, and pinging my attention. There is a reflection for you here. Sometimes, often if I’m honest, I scroll past something again and again before honoring it with my attention {Ha!}. That is unless the ping is visceral. Visceral pings for attention are keys to a needed reflection. So, I pay the ping the honor of my focus, for a time. It never fails.

As mentioned, I was curious about The Channelers, all and sundry, as it is my perception that when non-duality is embodied, the need for that kind of communication drops away. This may or may not be true for all beings, as some are wired to serve as galactic conduits, no matter their embodied state. Or, so it seems. Honor to all forms of Source’s communications.

What I was made aware of, was a former channel turned spiritual advisor, whose online offering is called Embodied Awareness. Well, yeah. Thanks for the confirmation, Source! Giggles aplenty.

I have mentioned before that when we query, hopefully internally, or within the reflection of our lives, we are asking for a confirmation of the truth of the path beneath our feet, or of a particular understanding, rather than asking permission for something or anything. When we ask for permission, we affirm the idea of separation. When we ask for confirmation, we affirm the reflective power of our inner realms to show us what we hold within us. Deadly accurate, this.

I started, at first, with the inner projection of a question mark. “?” to Source. Then, I observed, allowing perception to reflect through the moments of my life, to inform the query. So, to continue with the example, I pondered Embodied Enlightenment and Channeling, in the inner Stillness. I wasn’t waiting for some kind of answer during my meditation, rather trusting that I would be shown at the right moment. As I began the online portion of my day, I felt the ping to open, and to peruse the E.D. series. I wasn’t sure why, as that perusal feels complete, but scrolled through anyway, following Source’s thread. I stopped on an episode I might not have noticed, feeling, this one. Ping acknowledged. And, there was the confirmation requested.

Long before we were in an online world, this happened with reading material of all sorts. Books fell off shelves into my arms, a title screamed at me across a bookstore, magazines fell off tables in practitioners’ offices, or I would see the exact sentence or paragraph in a newspaper that fit a needed reflection. Sometimes what was needed showed up on a Billboard, or on one of those subway adverts. My attention would be riveted to what I needed to see. If we’re honest with ourselves, it always is. We were not taught to see the world as it is. And, we let ourselves be distracted.

Distraction is the name of The Game, in the world. We don’t have to play. We can assemble on other playing fields and allow ourselves to receive Source’s reflections on our inner state of involvement and frequency. We can return to our inherent and natural focus. Simple, right?

So, how shall we play, today?

Love to you,

Originally published on Goddess Portal Support Jul 23, 2021


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