Shifting a Pattern Means Shifting Out of its Frequencies

Any pattern we have running has its vibrational bundle. There are frequencies bound up in the pattern, whether it is an emotional, physical, or spiritual pathology. The methods found in Embodying Fluidity and my book, Becoming Oneness, are offered for the purpose of deep investigation. This is about listening. As we pay attention to what is presenting, allow it its voice(s), and let those energies move, we are better able to uncover the causal root/seed of any pattern’s expression. All deep spiritual/metaphysical work requires this level of attention.

The unraveling of our lifetime agendas is up for all of us. As Gaia transitions, so do we. We are faced with, not only our worst fears and deepest delusions, but the toxic soup of media-imposed fear, depression, and survival terror into our fields at every moment…if we buy in. It is an opportunity to observe where we are still bought in, and to what.

What’s an evolving one to do?

To shift frequencies, start with Einstein’s famous quote. "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." So, first, be still. Know that you are Source, as much as any other being, anywhere or when. You have everything you need, within you.

When you can be still in the face of the fears that assail you, inside and out, you have a place to begin. It may take a bit of time, and certainly patience, as the layers of what your mind tells you is wrong, or what you should do, fall away. Let them.

An old story is an old story, nothing more. When you shift out of the pattern, it ceases to matter. And, when it ceases to matter, it stops manifesting, not for the world, but for you and your life experience. As you shift, what you radiate into the world does too. This is the gift you are here to give.

If you hear yourself saying you don’t have time for inner investigation, what you are telling yourself is that you are willing to put up with your patterns. They are familiar, though perhaps uncomfortable. They protect you or serve some beneficial purpose and you’re not interested in having that removed. Your mind will tell you this is the only way you know how to do things. It isn’t lying, exactly. It is conditioned to function so.

Are you your patterns, or are you Source?

What if your mind could become an ally for your evolution? It won’t happen by snapping your fingers, waving a wand, or wishing it so. As with any form of mastery, this alignment takes diligence, discipline, and determination, and, most of all, a powerful commitment to surrender. You know that, of course. How functional is your commitment, in the face of today’s world? Would adjustments be beneficial?

“You must unlearn what you have learned” ~ Yoda

I was explaining pattern recognition and dissolution to my Mum one day, and she asked the question, “When the pattern dissolves, what do you replace it with?” Breaking a habit requires forming new ones. Affirmations replace old stories. True. Her query came from this level of knowledge. Replacing a habit or re-framing a thought pattern is the surface stuff. It is the followup work of integration once the shift has been made.

When I explained that the Source that she was would fill any real estate relinquished by the pattern, she exclaimed, “But then I’d become God!” Bam. Spot on. This is what our personas are taught to fear above all else, on. this. world. We are conditioned to deny and fear Source’s power, especially that which runs through us, that which we are.

Once you find your inner Stillness, remember it is always with you. It does not live only in the meditation space. You can operate from your Essence at every moment. Your bodies were designed for this. From those frequencies, it is much easier to see where there are programmed structures in your field and whether or not they serve. It is also easier to function from higher frequency as higher frequency and to let old patterns simply melt away. Any pattern worth its programming will tell you it serves you. And, it has, for the agendas you came in to enact. Those agendas are now obsolete. They were neither good nor bad, and now they are over. You can let go and begin again.

Deep listening happens beneath the surface stuff. We become still and observe. Again and again. We allow the higher frequencies that guide our every moment to intervene. Again and again. We surrender impatience, again and again, and then some more.

In a world of Insta-everything, going deeply into a process can feel frustrating at best, torturous at worst. If that happens, try to remember that it is the pattern causing the confusion and discomfort. Commit to the dissolution and relax into Source’s embrace. Invoking willpower only feeds the pattern. Instead, use that will in alignment with Source. She will show you how, if you let go and let Her be the do-er. This is the real kicker for most of us.

I commented to a student, in yesterday’s Q&A, that I remembered gargantuan frustration with the saying “Not my will, but thine.” I went through months {maybe years} of seemingly endless squirming and bargaining and using the truth that Our Essence is Divine Essence and therefore My will IS Divine will as a defense against true surrender. I didn’t see it that way at the time, of course. When clarity of alignment is present, that argument is true. I knew that. My ego knew that and argued up a storm. What we call personal will, fully aligned with Divine Will, becomes that Divine Will. The truth is that we no longer have that personal will. It dissolves into the Source inside us. And it is one heaven of a lot easier! What a relief!

In summary, I can report that the release is much more fun, easier, and generally more agreeable than the playing out of any agenda.

When we shift out of the frequencies in a pattern’s bundle, we suddenly realize that the issue no longer matters. And, as it does not matter, it will cease to manifest. It may take a time or three for any new alignment to hold fast. The quickest way, oh impatient ones… {and all humans are so afflicted} is to relax into the Source that you are. Quit striving and earning and reaching. Let. Go. And do the deep listening. You will be shown what you need to see.

Then, instead of floating in bliss, which of course is tempting, use that clarity, that love, and that joy, to observe. The insignificant irrelevance of your patterns will amuse you. It certainly will not overwhelm you. And, if they feel overwhelming, remember to breathe. Remember that all things are transitory…especially a lifetime.

What will you do with the time that is left to you? ~ Gandalf, LOR

That is the real question if there is one. What is there for you to be? BEing is the Mother of Blessed Occurrences. And we are that, as well.

BE well, and prosper beloveds.


Originally published on Goddess Portal Support July 30, 2021.


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