Being Enough

Manifesting Spirit into form is the challenge we all face. Though we have been conditioned to see our bodies and physical lives as separate from Source, we know this is not the truth we are here to embody.

So many of us seek and strive and yearn for Oneness, lost in forgetting that we are, and always have been, a part of All That is. So, why do we operate from lack? Why do we go through the seemingly endless and terminal motions of self-denial? Conditioning, yes?

As the little angel in the photo, we sit amidst plenty, joy, and wonder, every moment of our lives, in every type of circumstance. Is the angel aware of the abundance that surrounds her? Does she feel a part of it? Or is she wistful as she gazes heavenward?

How many of us have lived in this wistful way? How many of us have put off what we could become? How many of us still do? How many of us forget what flows through us every moment of every day? No, we can’t have ‘anything’ we want, especially when it is the ego doing the wanting. We can, however, relax into the depths of Oneness and simply ‘be.’ Herein lies the gold.

I received an email last week from someone railing at ‘God,’ asking for forgiveness for being a ‘sinner,’ angry that enlightenment had not manifested, and begging for it. The email complained of decades of following ‘the path’ and having it not lead to what was wanted. I could make observations about how that time has been spent, and what kind of conditioning and teaching contributed to the delusion, but suffice it to say this person must have been having a really bad day… or incarnation. Unfortunately, this is the delusion of separation many of us live within.

To begin with, projecting spiritual authority onto a being sitting in ‘heaven,’ waiting to judge us or elevate us, is negating what lives through us. Let’s start with another common misperception. Enlightenment cannot be earned nor can it be conferred. No amount of amassing good karma or waiting to be bonked on the head by some kind of magic wand will cause Universal Consciousness.

Remorse for whatever we judge ourselves for having done ‘wrong’ is part of this equation. While remorse is one doorway through the heart, it lacks self-compassion and self-forgiveness, as we project judgment onto ourselves.

Begging for illumination out of a sense of lack is a complete waste of energy. As I’ve written many times, a Seeker, by definition, is not a Finder. Buying into that version of duality will never bring about a realization of Unity. And yet, so we are taught to believe.

Polarized awareness does not exist in Unity, and, as duality falls apart, the polarities become more intense, fighting for existence. Welcome to what is happening right now in the human collective. Good and bad, right and wrong, seem more polarized. What if we spent energy in another way, one that poured power into our chosen manifestations?

Imagine being a flower, every petal unique and precious, unfolding and fading away with the seasons, immortal as only the green world can be. Each petal has its own story, as we do. Each flower manifests uniquely, as we do. The green world does not sense itself as separate from what is REAL…as we do.

Imagine a crystal, flower of the mineral kingdom, growing into magical formations held within the earth. Rarely seen by inhabitants of the surface world, is this flowering any less for remaining hidden and buried? Does a crystalline manifestation have value only when mined?

What about our inherent value? What if it exists simply because we are?

Are the everyday miracles of our angels, so often overlooked, of less value than those that affect continents and millions? What determines our worthiness to be illumined and to walk that way?

Listen to the answers your mind and awareness provide. These are your tethers into old reality. Or, your tickets to freedom. Listen to what your heart tells you. Everything depends on perspective, yes? Why not perceive through the heart?

You are enough. Your opened heart tells that story. As a fractal of Source’s Oneness, you have the right to be here.

From light to light, the alone to the alone, Oneness beckons. How do you walk within it? Or run, or fly, or dance or sing?
Love to you,


Diwali and the Dark Moon


Grounding Through the Shift