Grounding Through the Shift

The transmissions that formed the Growing New ROOTS program, offered over a year ago, were a prelude to and prescription for what is happening now. The sessions highlighted the invitation to rest more deeply within Gaia’s embrace and allow our bodies to be re-calibrated from within the natural world. An invitation to remember our place, harmonized within nature.

Each session was a journey of remembrance.

Many who participated at the time have told me they couldn’t relate to the information, or it was difficult for them. This was largely because of spiritual belief systems, thought patterns, and habits of behavior threaded through the physical body. These patterns create separation and discord between how our cells know to go with Gaia’s flow, even when it is disruptive and chaotic as it is now, and what we have imposed on our bodies so that we can evolve into more light.

I have noticed, in my own body, leftover spider-web-like debris that is scrunched and bundled and makes no logical sense. These pattern remnants fight for an existence they were programmed to defend, whilst feeling and knowing that something else is now happening.

When we can’t connect to the natural world, don’t feel as though we are connected with and through Gaia, it is because we have lost something. Our bodies need to be connected to the planet that gave them life. They require sustenance from her elementals, preferably the pristine elementals of Gaia’s mantle.

As we bring more and more galactic influence through us, we also must ground, and recall our roots within Gaia’s embrace. One set of frequencies cannot exist without the other. Our bodies must remember Earth as their Mother.

There is another set of beliefs about manifesting the light body that conflicts with this truth. Most of the ancient traditions relate that once the light body has been fully manifested, that being cannot exist here, on this world. There might be logistical concerns, certainly. Most of us don’t glow when we go to the market. What if this is obsolete information? What if Gaia’s rising frequencies make the elevation of our cellular frequencies ever more possible? What if the planet is well able to sustain these higher octaves of light?

As everything changes, what our bodies have held as true, in terms of beliefs holding and constraining the mind-body continuum, must shift as well.

What I have described as spider-web-like bunches of debris patterns in the physical body, are leftover control fragments of the mind-body continuum’s efforts at keeping us safe and alive. These programs become tangled and confused, as everything they are based upon morphs and changes. Only our Source Essence can soothe, comfort, and untangle this confusion.

This type of conflagration of beliefs and restraint patterns can definitely cause physical symptoms! It is doing so for almost everyone, to some degree. Processing this type of internal tangle is also the source of much of our physical exhaustion at present. Our bodies become confused and depleted with trying to manifest conflicting beliefs and patterns. Alignment is the solution. And, t his is done through relaxing into the natural world.

Part of traditional spirituality on this planet has been the negating of physicality, making material and physical manifestation synonymous with what is ‘wrong.’ What is true is that our physical bodies are part of Gaia’s nature, of her natural world.

Imagine that you are lying, curled up, on Gaia’s surface, somewhere that feels safe. Let your body relax into Gaia’s care, her infinite love for your being. Listen to your body’s reaction to being so held. Better? If not, listen to those voices as well. Some of us have patterns of feeling trapped here, though we may now know this is not the case. We are remembering something else, something different, a limitation in consciousness that has nothing to do with infusing essence into a physical body on this world.

We do not need to try to control our physical bodies at this time. They are morphing in place, one and all. Gaia will support this if we allow her to do so.

“Find the cost of freedom
Buried in the ground
Mother Earth will swallow you
Lay your body down” ~ Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

These lyrics were written in response to the Viet Nam war. A ‘war’ that has raged in its varied forms for far too long. For me, as a young person, I heard them in my head as I climbed trees, lay on hot rocks at the seaside, and felt Gaia’s love for us all.

What was written about sacrifice and death, is relevant to the current sacrifice of our old ways of navigating, of doing, and of being.

Ground in nature. She accepts all of our freely given debris as compost for what is to come. Find your connection and love for Gaia. She will never let you down.

{And don’t be afraid to give your body whatever assistance it might need.}

For anyone who may not have attended the Growing New ROOTS series, the meditations are available in the Divine Mother Portal. May they be helpful to you as we go through this transition, together.
{ I have included the full link here, as the hyperlink function in the editor seems to be broken.}

Be well. Listen to the Earth and to your bodies.

Love to you


Being Enough


Being The Mirror