Chrysalis to Corona ~ The morphing of Presence

What happens when wings dry, spirit roars, and life begins anew? How we move changes. What we ingest shifts {and not according to anyone’s rules}. It is glorious and worth enjoying. And, what deepens when that life becomes something more?

One way of describing the journey of Becoming Oneness and embodying light is to use the analogy of the caterpillar and the butterfly. The caterpillar surrenders its old life, into itself, and something else emerges. Then, depending on trajectory, the butterfly transforms into an eagle, or perhaps a Phoenix. Perhaps it begins to embody more galactic essence. How does this happen, and is there a right path?

Ascension means many things to many people. Inner transformation is many things to many beings. We none of us know for sure. And yet, the wisdom of our Source Essence is infallible.

Our Source defines this process as moving into an ascended, or transformed, state of being. It is not a linear process, but a continual morph-in-place. One changes form by relaxing deeply into one’s own Source Essence, the connection that has always been both present and Presence. And, there are some flows of Grace that can be worked with toward these ends.

The caterpillar uses a cocoon or chrysalis, a well-defined physical container, within which to dissolve and become something more. The fully-emerged butterfly then uses its new wings until they become damaged in some way. Delicate creature that it is, it is lucky if it lasts six weeks. This is also a good analogy for initial awakenings. They can be fragile, need nurturing, and do not last. One moves on, deeper and deeper, to become more and more.

The sustained state of awakened awareness, present when enough of a being’s patterns, programs, filters, and overlays, have dissolved so that the being is illumined from within, has been called Enlightenment. The inner illumination then lights the way, or can do, for those around that being. It happens, whether on purpose or by entrainment. The equation is simple. The doing of it? That process can be as simple or complex as we choose it to be. We make our own choices, no matter how much we might argue otherwise.

What differentiates a chrysalis from a corona? Each orb resonates from the core of being and serves as a boundary to protect and contain inner growth, light, and radiance. The cocoon or chrysalis surrounds and protects the dreamer. The corona, consistently present only after an inner consistency of illumination is embodied, serves as a different kind of protective boundary. It radiates the inner resonance of an illumined body, much as a star does so. It is our resonance made real. It blesses or scares the bejaysus out of those who enter our field. Sometimes both. And yet the blessings radiate naturally, no matter what.

Why is all this worth mentioning? Whether chrysalis or corona, that essential structure is a part of our field, our torus of energy. Boundaries are a part of us. And, for those who consciously and continually transform, their maintenance can be challenging. To shield or not to shield? To use our buffer zone, or admit questionable energies?

If we, especially as Starstreams, have poor boundaries, it makes our fields permeable to influences that can be distracting, harmful, or toxic to us. Our physical bodies were not designed for this, during this transition time. Our awareness may be like Durga’s invincible force, but our physical bodies are not aligned as this… until they are. {I don’t know any} If we allow ourselves to be led by the contents of a compromised field, we can seem to lose our way. It is then challenging to relax back into the source that we are and let Her lead. She can do, of course, all in an instant, once we surrender the fight.

A corona, on the other hand, not only creates an aura of light around us, but a frequency of truth and purity that burns off unwanted influences. Generally in the kindest way, though it may not seem so to what is being immolated. We become what we radiate to a radically truthful degree. This is typically most startling to us, first, and hidden from any others it might affect. We feel unseen in the midst of a firestorm, tsunami, or hurricane of Grace. And we are, as we morph into Love.

When our corona is intact, it is an extension of our life force, acting as a ruthless agent of discernment. That essential force then determines our experience. An old joke, from the film Beetlejuice, was, “I possess myself!” which is always true. The chrysalis provides a container within which all such self-inflicted programs can dissolve. The corona, however, simply destroys {or alters irrevocably} what enters our field inappropriately. It demands alignment. And, the passage from chrysalis emergence to coronal emanation is a tricky one.

Old defenses will try to do old jobs as we become other than we were. The fail-safes and workarounds we had in place now become opportunities for ‘learning,’ usually via the face-plant algorithm. Ouch! We burn from within and without. Such is the transition from butterfly to Phoenix. Not always a kundalini awakening, still, Her fires are relentless.

We emerge, rising or seeming to fall, from what appear to be the ashes of an old life, an old identity, an old reality construct. And, during this transit, we often forget to redeem our nuggets of wisdom. We can be seduced by the temptation to hold onto what is not needed or to bail and leave everything behind. Neither strategy is sound. I’m not referring to any nugget as knowledge gained. Anything that is gained is subject to loss. I am referring to wisdom, embodied. You know the difference. You feel it in your core, your stem cells, your waters, and your bones.

How do we embody wisdom? How does that finally happen? Some say chronology plays a part. Perhaps it is the accumulation of life experience that tempers Source’s truth to the shorn ego. Perhaps it is humility born of…whatever toppled the Tower. On the other hand, we may have shed our skins so many times we feel raw, inside and out. This is a known stage in the embodiment process, in case you were wondering. And, it need not be overtly painful. “Thank you that what I AM flows with me, that what needs to release does so, and that Source always lights, knows, and is the Way.”

During this transit, we will see painful reflections of ourselves, in our own mirrors and those of others. We will recognize our behaviors as they occur in our surround. This is where the coronal force can assist us. It is sometimes not enough to acknowledge, accept, forgive, release, and ask that what is purging move into and through our buffer zone {though that is kindest on the physical body}. Sometimes we need bigger compost assistance.

We use examples of Kali’s buffet table, or Sekhmet’s bowl, offering up, merging with, or dissolving, for the burning up of these leftovers. The truth is, when we surrender our ‘remains’ {what is remaining} consistently to the Source within, we can relax more deeply into what we are. A state of bundled frequencies, aligned with our unique pixels of light-love-experience, born of the heart. And, as we relax into our inner light, love, and truth, we more easily shed the rest. It no longer matters. And, so, these states of being no longer manifest.

The world around us is falling apart. “London Bridge is falling down,” as the song goes. The entire human collective is being re-directed, forced if you will {or even if you won’t} to go inward. For those of us who have been treading this path for some time, we have the advantage of perspective {and sometimes exhaustion…nothing beats resistance like a deflated mind}. We can utilize expanded lenses of perception to view the current chaos. We can be compassionate, yet unattached to outcomes, as we must be, to complete this journey.

The caterpillar does not batter against its cocoon or chrysalis. It liquefies therein. The corona does not appear due to outer impact. It radiates from a core so deep our minds had no knowledge of its Presence. And, it does so, at need. Source’s need. Source’s requirement. Source’s direction. And that Source lies within us.

There are ways to work through the immolation and dissolution by employing the architecture of sacred alignment. We now traverse that passage. Surf’s up.

When we meet a perceived obstacle or limitation in the physical world, we can ask “What can I do?” or “What can be done here, where is the energy flowing?” instead of pouting and scheming about what we wanted to do or where we wanted to go. As if any parts of us might stoop so low. ;)

We, as the edge runners of transformation, are being called to step up, to grow up, and to let go of childish things… namely our own agendas. There is always more, in one of these amazing bodies. Had you noticed? It’s always something! There is always more to let go and to grow into and to be.

And, we can now turn our focus through the heart portal and use it to hone and fine-tune our creativity. What lifts your spirits? What lights you up? What brings joy to you and those around you? What is, now, your FUN? How are you living your love?

There are ways to architect that reality. Source does the doing. We contribute to the weaves, the waves, and the flow. What else are we here for?

Love to you




You Won't Be "You"