Clear Choices
I can’t count how many hours I spent standing in various aisles in various building stores in France, waiting for someone to make choices about what was needed to support the life they were building. It’s amusing to observe it now, from that perspective. I did ask, one night as I stood guard next to a shelf full of just-enough siding, why on Earth I was there. It wasn’t the usual query, “why have you put me here, Source? What is there for me to see?” but more of a WTF moment. There were many of those. Many stores, many decisions with regard to lumber, insulation, flooring, tile, glass, built-ins, and infinite variations on the theme of light fixtures. Mère de Dieu!! Let there be light, already!
I’m all about the right energy for the right ‘thing’ in right timing… and there is a way to make those choices intuitively, not by mentally steaming through every possible permutation to find exactly the right item, the best deal, etc. ad nauseum. Use your feelings, Luke! Sheesh! Scan what there is, feel into it, and POINT, dammit! TRUST, FFS!
But no, things had to be thought through in every possible way, until there was smoke streaming from this person’s ears… {and ass}. Heavy sigh. I suppose we’ve all been there. I haven’t, exactly, being a “let Source decide” kind of girl from the start, so some of my patience lessons came in the form of watching others go through ridiculous mental gymnastics without blowing a gasket, myself. Steam vents are good. I highly recommend them.
But that was then, a strange French variation on my particular scream. Her answer, to “why am I here?” came later, with perspective, as these things tend to do. At the time, Her answer was “patience.” NOW, her answer is, “You were there to support the choices of others.” Did I think that was my job? Yes, in part. I was living up to my own expectations of me. Projections, all. What is Being Love if not being a support and a comfort for the lives of those we love? A beacon to assist their light? Does that involve using Source’s energy in support of anyone’s every choice? “No, of course not,” you say. { I did, too, by the way.} So, how is that truth applicable to yourself? How are you supporting choices that are not aligned with the Source that you are? It’s Her energy, any way you slice it. What is a clear choice? {It does not require optimal lighting, or the fixtures that allegedly provide it.}
What is the highest choice in any situation? What keeps your reality moving into brighter frequencies? Staying comfortable in familiar circumstances is not ‘it.’ Growth takes change. Change need not be painful. Only thinking makes it so. So, when I write that choosing to rest in some current state of comfortable is not necessarily the highest choice one can make, why does it evoke inner unrest?
What’s important about the concept of ‘comfort’ is not what you might think. We all want to feel comfortable, to have comfort in our lives, however we might define that term. This is part of the joy of living! How are enjoyment and comfort entangled for you? It may be time to observe that enmeshment and make a few course corrections. NOT away from comfort, but into more of it, the REAL more that supports YOU. This transition isn’t about what you are willing to put up with, but more about what you are not willing to support. Then, removing your awareness from those bits and focusing on what you LOVE.
Many choose discomfort out of a sense of unworthiness, or as part of the martyr’s path to spirituality {which died a thousand deaths with the old cycle, by the way} or as some k ind of penance, or imagined sense of earning something. While discomfort does highlight what we don’t want, to steer us in a better direction, choosing it, and/or putting up with it in certain forms, is no way to live. How does that affect our current choices?
The human collective is in a crisis of perception. ‘911’ in most dimensions. “Ring casualty! Why is no one coming to save/help us?” Well, that is the assignment you came to fulfill. What do you need to choose, decide, and focus upon that supports and empowers, the Love that you are? It has little to do with others.
Your life will only change if you keep up with Her waves. When you make a choice, then don’t let the waves release the bits from your old life, you splinch yourself. Parts of you rest here, parts of you wash up there… People are looking more and more like Humpty Dumpty amputees, patched together with essential bits missing or fled, their luminous eggs cracked, scrunched, and coming apart. “Disassemble all over the place!” You need not be one of these. You can take an honest look at your choices and make some changes.
It sounds banal, perhaps, but shift your focus onto what lights you up. Focus on what you love, on what is fun. Let the drama die. It isn’t that it won’t be pretty, It will be everything: spectacular, ugly, amazing, dysfunctional. Every bloody fixture in every bleeding store. And it is all shifting. What supports your requirements? I’m not talking about ‘needs,’ necessarily, but about what you require, as a being of light, to shine. The choice is simple. The follow-through? We are all learning on that path. One moment of NOW at a time.
Her one constant message is, “There is a way through. Trust Me.”
Love to you all.