What Lights the Way

This week, two of those I spoke to for 1:1 sessions had major breakthroughs. I did mention the timing was ripe. And those are only the ones I know about. For us all, the portal of this week, leading us toward the Equinox opening {which is MASSIVE}, has created huge shifts. Whether we notice, or how we notice, is, of course, up to us. If your mind insists ‘but everything seems the same…’ I know some lovely cheeses you could enjoy with that whine. They might be tough to obtain in your area, but one can always hope.

As you know, I finally published a new website. Hopefully the ‘last’ one… famous last words and all. I bought the domain name three years ago or so whilst in Australia. Lisa and I began setting up the new site gradually, with many pauses and time-outs for changes happening within me and what comes through me. Just when it felt as though “this is it” things would change. That is the way of this transition. It requires our minds to cultivate PATIENCE. For you, as well, don’t you find? Keep swimming! Be gentle with your changes. All will be well. Gestation is gestation, after all. Early arrivals will likely not survive.

Post-Solstice it was finally time for me to say ”yes,” open floodgates and all. Fully and committedly, yes. “Nourishing the network of lions.” That sound-byte vibrates through me so that I can barely type. When I sigh, “finally,” Source smiles and says “NOW.” No judgment, nothing but love and support. As She has ever been, for me. For you, as well, if we’re honest with one another.

Every flower radiates the truth of its essence, so does every star. Why do we believe we are less than the trees and the stars?

Source and I have gone rounds, so to speak, about many things. You know whereof I speak, for yourself, if not for the ‘me’ that used to be. Growing up, the one thing I did NOT want to become was my Mother. I am so grateful to her for helping to set that up! And, it made surrendering into the Great Mother’s embrace a bitch and half…so to speak. The challenge my ego made into a mountain made its dissolution all the sweeter. What could be more delicious than to rest in the Galactic Heart, within the depths of the Divine Mother’s embrace?

As I came into awakening and, more importantly, into the embodiment thereof, it became blisteringly evident what I had come here to ‘accomplish’ was epically egoic rubbish. How much about Source and my own Source Essence had I misunderstood, totally and completely? Almost all. We all go through this. We all take on and carry fake ids. How does yours read? Are you ready to surrender that identity along with its privileges and protections? {surrender does not mean you can’t use that card when needed.} And, what will happen when you do commit?

It is time to stop placing blame within or without and to align with what we truly are. The only thing we have ever sacrificed is shadow. The only thing we sacrifice in deep surrender is who we have pretended to be.

Deep surrender is toughest on our bodies, dictated to by the mind for a lifetime. They require comfort and support as they let go. This is why processing with and through the physical body is so important, especially now. It is why Source has taught what She has taught through me. Her tools are to facilitate our NOW.

This morning, I woke with my birth Mother’s presence in my body. What was different about this time is that I did not move immediately into a kind of resigned annoyance. I have been observing nuances of a projected agression pattern that I know to be part of her DNA. For years I repressed it {as though that ever works} subdued it, processed the living shite out of it, and basically wished this slice of energetic programming would piss off. “She” hadn’t, of course. What is part of us is there because we’ve asked it to be. This morning, Source took over. Again with “finally.” The part of me I might have thought was holding boundaries between me and this presence, surrendered. It schlooped down into a single point of light, deep in my belly, like those tower-flowers in Avatar. Then the light morphed, re-purposing that presence. What ensued was JOY. The joy that acknowledges love’s full expression. Can you gimme Cowabunga?! Thanks, Mum. Well played. A fractal of Source’s love came home.

Someone recently said, {about herself} “I am a Priestess of the Galactic Heart.” Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yippy! In many dimensions. She didn’t know what she had said, really. Source does. What a statement of intent was there! And, not quite yet the realization of what that commitment would mean. The dissolution of who she thinks she is, thought she was, and all parts of her that sing those songs. Did you know your fake ids come with soundtracks? I’ll bet you did. Your body certainly does.

Another person said, “I want to know more about my song. I was listening to the whales and felt their songs reverberate through my body. What, in me, does that? What does my song sound like?” The question followed a MASSIVE SHIFT. She was ready and so stated, to me, Source, and herself. She could not have asked it, otherwise. Deep bow.

These are the moments I live for. The tsunami of Source’s love that radiates outward and reflects back when one of you bursts wide open. What a privilege to witness! What a gift to be able to observe how Source flows! How exponentially does the profound wonder of life increase as this happens?! “Ain’t no mountain high enough…” {thanks Tammi} Maybe I’ll resume lyric-writing. Always a favorite form of poetry. Who knows? The Great Mother knows. And I am grateful.

What is Wisdom? The heart-centered fulcrum of who/what we are. It is not a place, a quality to be sought and found, or a state of Grace we somehow magically attain, but an emanation to be realized, embodied, and lived. Its door is the heart, its engine, gratitude. its expression, always love.

Be well, beloveds. May your blossoming hearts open to the sun.


Pluto’s Purging Process


Clear Choices