Completions & Integrations
The patterns of completion and integration moving through us at this time have nothing and everything to do with ‘done’ and ‘finished.’ Remember that within every ending comes a new beginning. Avoidance avails nothing. Whatever we have been avoiding, particularly in the area of toxic memories, is up for release this week. Memory patterns we have boxed and buried are not cleared, nor have their energies integrated. Those trapped energies vibrate within us. Letting these old, toxic stories go is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves and for the world.
“I have this pattern.” Perhaps you have had, for this incarnation. Yes. And now is the time to release yourself from that box and be a fresh story, play a new role, and be a new way. It is time to let the energies tied up in old patterns be free to support new ways of being.
Cosmic tension pressures us to move out of our tubes of thought and into more fluid configurations. Why not let go?
There is a tendency in the newly awakened, or, indeed, in those who have been awakened for some time, to feel what is changing within Gaia’s planetary sphere but become frustrated with what seems to be a mental inability to “get a handle on it,” when patterns persist in the physical body and life. In other words, when patterns and programs are mostly cleared from the mental and emotional levels, it can be challenging to grasp what is coming up for release through the physical body. This can feel frustrating and trigger impatience with oneself and/or the world.
Our bodies will always help us by presenting feelings and/or symptoms to get our attention.
An appropriate question we can ask is, “What is the underlying feeling?” Our bodies always know. If there is an issue with listening to the body, some inner relating work may need to be done. Some say, “I have trouble feeling what my body is telling me.” Are you willing to listen, no matter what? How often do we feel something, then judge it and deny its existence? This habit is part and parcel of most traditional spiritual paths. It is the most insidious form of spiritual bypassing. “No, I don’t want to feel that!” is a tough habit to break. It has to be let go, instead, and replaced with trust that our Source essence knows precisely what we need.
Try this:
When you feel that you definitely don’t want to be/do a certain way anymore, let yourself acknowledge that you definitely are being/doing and feeling that certain way. This tends to bring up frustration and self-judgment. Let it. Relax and stop fighting it. Let those energies move from the heart into Source’s loving embrace.
You don’t have to know where those feelings came from at this point in the incarnation. Let the pattern shift. Let the underlying fear of releasing it shift. Trust me. The fear is there. Otherwise, the pattern would not be present. Acknowledge that there is a root and seed form of this pattern that is fear-based. Don’t let your emotions thrash around, telling you, “No! I’m done with a fear-based life!” Of course, you are. That is why this pattern is releasing. Stop trying to control your expression and let it go. Source is purging our bodies of our most deeply held patterns of control.
By the time we experience physical symptoms of any kind, we need to soothe and treat those symptoms and, more importantly, acknowledge and release their energetic root cause. For example, unexpressed, avoided anger can cause the same symptoms as over-expressed acted-out tantrums. What is your body trying to express? That voice requires acknowledgment prior to its demise. If there is no opening for expression, there can be no release.
A few bits to remember:
Expressing and acting out are not the same things. They do not carry the same vibrations.
Listen to your heart. Acknowledge and accept what you feel, no matter what it is. Let go, no matter what it is.
What you are releasing is unneeded ballast. It will not serve or support you going forward.
Acknowledge, accept, and release. Let divine love express through you, no matter what name you give that essence.
You’ve got this.
This is what we incarnated to experience. This is an evolutionary turbo-boost of literally cosmic proportions.
Much love, and have a transformative week!