Conflict is Always About Interpretation

When was the last time you asked for a sign? “Oh, I don’t do that anymore…” indicates a spiritual ego process. “Five minutes ago,” could indicate a constant need for validation. Or, are you in the flow with it, asking for signs when your mind/ego will accept nothing less than physical earth-space-time proof or guidance? And, when you receive a sign, how do you interpret that information?

As you awaken, your vibration rises and you become more physically empowered…theoretically. Some of us have programs in place that prevent our empowerment beyond whatever parameters our programs are hiding. Does that resonate at all? The more your vibration rises, the more empowered you are. The more empowered you are, the more awake you can become. That is if your ego doesn’t co-opt the process. They all try. The trick is not to spiritually bypass but to use empowered vibration to assist you in perceiving with clarity.

Let’s talk about ley lines and places of power. Vortices of power and ley lines amplify everything, especially the emotions and confusions within us. Everything is intensified. Why? Harmonious empowerment promotes clarity. Our “stuff” is juggled to the surface so we cannot deny it. The purpose of this is to help us learn.

Think of it as turning up the volume on a song whose lyrics you want to memorize. You might play a tune over and over at top volume, for the sheer joy of immersion in its expression. This is how we are meant to live. Not in eardrum shattering VOLUME, but in an amplified state of awareness whose gift is clarity.

Another example is the blue turtle button on the Duolingo language learning site. When the language program says something and you don’t quite get it, the turtle button allows you to hear the phrase one word at a time. How does this help? It bypasses accent, pronunciation, and run-on syllables, giving the listener clarity of recognition. Something that sounds like “too vert” might actually be a pause between a word ending in a ‘t’ and the word ouvert. That happened to me last night. I knew I was not hearing accurately so I pushed the turtle button. One word at a time, the sentence was obvious.

A power spot pushes the “turtle button” on everything our bodies hold, consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously. It pushes our confusions right to the surface, befuddling the mind into a mass of conflicting interpretations. When this happens, what is optimal? What do we listen to? The fastest way to self-harmonize is to surrender into the flow of power, go with the greatest flow density, and let yourself be shown, rather than told.

Are all conflicts about the myriad interpretations of Source? What is Divine? What is not Divine? What is appropriate and what is not?

Einstein believed the quality of the solution you generate is in direct proportion to your ability to identify the problem you hope to solve. In other words, problem-solving comes from clarity. Articulate the issue with clarity and solutions are inevitable. Confusion begets more confusion unless we use an empowered flow of energy to amp it into optimal.

This is why we meditate. Meditation not only quiets the mind, but it also amplifies our frequencies. So do places of power and those whose Divine Presence is awakened.

Have you ever been told to rise above a problem? The root of the expression is literal. Surrender into the optimal flow of empowerment and let it take over. Your ego might make you feel like an ass, once you see the truth. Your ego might insist on how right you were. And, if you’re feeling the essence of all power, Divine Love, your ego might have no choice but to surrender.

When you notice yourself insisting on your interpretation of an event, a choice of words, or what you believe happened, stop and take a breath. What any of us believes, is irrelevant when it comes to the truth.

A belief, especially a belief system, is an interpretation. If your interpretation is in conflict with someone or something, try the amplification technique. Meditate, or step into an empowered stream of consciousness {not your ego} and see how your interpretations percolate. It won’t work if you keep insisting on how right you are. If, however, you let Source empower your inner interpreter beyond what you believe, what SHE shows you might surprise you.

I’ve been gobsmacked by this over and over. I’m betting you will be too. An age-old axiom that illustrates how a change in perspective works is, “Walk a mile in their shoes.” When you’ve walked the proverbial mile in enlightened footwear you’ll see things a bit differently. This, I can guarantee. It happened to me.

Happy re-interpretations!
~ Nalini


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