The Accountability of Falling Apart

One benefit of the global ‘pandemic’ will be the re-writing of Self-Care. Today is the inception of the 10-day celebration of the Elephant-Headed God Ganesha, in case you weren’t aware. The celebration is an opening for the removal of obstacles, letting in celestial flows of wisdom {clarity}. Obstacle removal is Ganesha’s gig. His stories are many, and I encourage you to look up a few.

What does this have to do with Self-Care? Invoking the removal of obstacles is a request to the Divine for ease, grace, and smoother flow. It can be a request for the removal of karma as well, including how we self-punish, self-poison, and self-condemn.

It is deeply understood in Hindu culture that when we ask for karma to be smashed, it must be opened, taken out of mothballs and storage, and released so that it can then be dissolved by Source. Karmic patterns, once set in motion, MUST play themselves out. They re-enact again and again until we understand their lessons, and even then it can be difficult to release a karmic pattern, if we’ve made agreements and contracts around it, armoring it in. How do we know? The pattern keeps repeating, no matter what.

Oddly, this type of repeating scenario was originally designed as a form of Self-Care. Frustrating, yes? It doesn’t have to be. The ritual of dissolving karmas, those lessons we teach ourselves over and over, is to admit that there is an issue we don’t yet understand and offer it up. In the Matrix films, the Oracle tells Neo that we can’t see past the choices we don’t yet understand.

In the rituals for Ganesha, karmas are infused into clay statues of the elephant-headed one, prayers offered to the Divine via these surrogates, and the statues finally dissolved in water, symbolically dissolving the issues or karmas housed therein. It is a lovely ritual and one that can be simplified by identifying a long-standing pattern and offering it, in whatever way means most to us, to Source.

Then comes the tricky part…Letting It Fall Apart. When we have patterns that have become multi-life parameters, their release causes us to fall apart. The restructuring of our DNA can feel like death to those loyal parts of us that have maintained these patterns over and over for lifetimes. It is true. Those structures have to die. This means the prison we’ve built for ourselves to keep us safe is suddenly disappearing and parts of us will hold on, telling us all kinds of things. The pattern tells us that without it we are unsafe, vulnerable, that we don’t deserve the freedom and happiness of knowing ourselves as we truly are.

Self Care, while this process works itself through, is not in pushing ahead, getting things done, keeping at it, or anything we’ve been taught we must do. We need to give ourselves the needed rest and quiet that allows our bodies to adjust.

In India, the statues dissolve into Mother Ganges, the river that gives life. Is Source not that river, that ocean, that infinite sea?

Yesterday, following a massive karmic re-set, I took the advice of a friend and lay down for the rest of the day. There were ‘things to do', among them this article, but the shifting was too intense for me to do anything but rest. I’m learning, as are we all, to take better care of myself so that Source can fully work through me.

Sometimes falling apart requires movement, to encourage the process. Sometimes it requires retreat and physical stillness. ALWAYS, inner stillness facilitates the release.

As we hit the crux of pandemic pressure, it helps to be mindful of what will mitigate stress and show us the truth of what we are uniquely faced with.

Where is the elephant in the room and in your physical life? What might be so large {or so obvious} you cannot comprehend it? What is your ego doing with that information?

Let yourself fall apart. Be accountable for your dissolution in the most caring way you can. Caring for self vs. caring for others is NOT a reality you want to continue. In Unity consciousness, there are no polarized states of mind/emotion. They exist in this world, yes, but do not need to exist within us.

So how goes the dissolution? Remember to account for your requirements as the multiverse crunches, twists, and re-configures. Aspire to the highest frequencies possible while letting the others dance themselves to death. Everything is turning into its dualistic opposite. All things are transitory ~ even your most tightly woven karmas. Let them fall apart. Let yourself be made free.

Blessings beloveds,
Let it BE.
~ Nalini


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