Dropping False Constructs

What are false constructs? We all navigate the world within them. Some we are aware of, others we are not. Some are more fake than others. Some, whose adventure has ended, are coming apart at the seams.

What do the concepts of martyrdom, heroism, or even ‘new world’ mean to your Essence? Is this scaffolding valid and sustainable? Or, is it falling down along with London Bridge?

We talk about this or that house of cards coming down. So, from what construct is Source evicting you? Or, are you moving with the waves, and you’ve already evicted yourself? Notice what bits of the old construct, the old definitions and scaffolding you reach for, to stabilize the you that is becoming. What is your autopilot grab? You’ve just met a personal cling-on. {no offense to that noble race} ;)

Take “spirituality” for instance. What is it? Ask the question in a crowded mind, and have a listen.. Hilarious! This word, this concept, has become as loaded with obsolete baggage as the term “God.” What if this concept, this construct called spirituality, no longer existed in any of its obsolete forms? How does that feel to your bodies?

Can you feel the relief? Relief at no longer having to take on the weighty concepts, definitions, and constructs, of something that is shedding. This is so much more than giving up your training wheels. It is freedom. It is flight. It is moving as the sacred configuration of essence that is uniquely yours, and allowing it to morph at will. Can you feel its flow?

We are not our false bubbles of ‘reality.’ We experience them as what we were taught to call ‘real,’ trapped inside a false construct of limitation and control.

Today is a new moon. It occurs within Lughnasadh’s window. There is a key opportunity present within this window, that of shedding false reality. As we leap real or figurative flames, the child’s mantra was once, “My yellow to you, your red to me,” meaning that any illness, weakness, deficiency, and all ‘sins’ are offered to the flames, to be replaced by life, health, wellness, and truth. ‘Sin’ is a construct ripe for the flames.

From wikipedia: “In a religious context, sin is a transgression against divine law.[1] Each culture has its own interpretation of what it means to commit a sin. While sins are generally considered actions, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, selfish, shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed "sinful".[2]

Or, is it, as in ancient indigenous understanding, an action on any plane, in any dimension, that goes against one’s true nature?

The Buddha Dharma Education Association also expressly states "The idea of sin or original sin has no place in Buddhism."[5]

Shinto does not have a concept of original sin, instead believing that all human beings are born pure.[38

Are you ready to be the clear, pure, light that is your essence?

My Mum used to sing this little ditty:

“Jesus {Goddess/Source/…} bids us shine,
with a clear, pure light.
Like a little candle,
burning in the night.
In this world of darkness,
he {She} bids us shine.
You in your small corner, and I in mine.
” ~ source unknown

As I grew, I altered the pronouns to make more sense. What I understood, later still, was that our “small corner” does not exist in the outside world, or only in our minds, but in our bodies. Our “small corner” in this world, is our physical/emotional/mental body alignment. Its capacity for shining grows as we feed it higher frequencies. Like any set of waves, higher octaves build upon themselves. This is especially true when these frequencies are shared. Each in our “small corner,” not pouring out whatever our interpretations might be to the entire world. The dissolving constructs are all ‘lost in translation.’ So has our Source Essence been.

Where are you, the truth of you, lost in translation? What house of cards have you been desperately and, in all likelihood, unconsciously, shoring up and battening down? Why not let it fall down, and blow away?

Source is huffing and puffing. Time to let the house go Her way.

Happy New Moon! And, Lughnasadh window… Quite the opening! Quite the assist! Enjoy the show!

Love to you,


Incarnating Here at This Time


Temple in the Tumble