Endings and Beginnings ~ What Powers the In-Between?
“London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady…”
This post has been writing itself for almost a fortnight now, psychic currents being what they are. One morning I awoke to the strains of “Zadok the Priest” playing in my head. For those unaware of the tradition, it is the coronation hymn for the British monarchy. There is something entirely otherwordly about its composition that makes its experience visceral. Even so, having this piece playing in my head was anything but ordinary. Talk about out of the blue!
So, I thought, “weird”, released it into my meditation and forgot all about it… until that same evening, when I began to feel it playing through me again. As I meditated, I knew with absolute certainty that something was dying. Well, name it at the moment! Old structures of every kind, the entire old cycle is dissolving and morphing in place. So, again, I released any thought about it back to Source.
Then, about a week ago, I got the very specific feeling that “something is dying.” I even felt the words form. It was clear and present enough that I wondered if it had to with anyone I knew. As soon as I turned my focus in that direction, the trail went cold. In other words, the energy taps instantly shut down. “No, then” I thought to myself, and went on with my day.
For the days since, I have had images of the patriarchal feminine, instances of that energy taking control in my body and life, and a few memories of other lives as well. Odd little snippets, of the type usually provided by Source to help me get a clue. I have long been aware that one of the root constructs of patriarchal feminine behavior is fear… of harming others. This is not ahimsa, or “doing no harm,” it is more insidious and wrapped around the warped archetypes of Eve and Lillith.
Underneath the deep layers of shame held in those archetypes is a hard-wired fear of harming others and/or being blamed for harm coming to others. This double bind has been hard-wired into female bodies for the last 5000 years… on this world anyway.
Original innocence and power are usurped into this lovely little tangle. “Behind every great man, there is a great woman,” right? You’ve heard the saying. This is why. Women are taught to fear their own power… while knowing that it is Source’s power anyway. Women’s configurations simply have a more direct connection. And, that’s what gets usurped. {men’s feminine essence as well}
Yesterday, I recalled my mother’s teacher, Marguerite, saying “the power in the family comes through the Father.” Wait. What? And Marguerite is a woman, right? And she is Dad’s teacher? Scratching my head here. That didn’t occur to me until I was in high school, of course. I always figured she meant “God the Father,” but then I watched my Dad conduct our private Sunday Bible readings and, as I got older, felt rather sorry for him. He hadn’t a clue, really, about what was supposed to be flowing through him. Yet, he tried. I think he aspired to it. And my Mum sat there pretending to be less than, while she ran the family with a barely gloved fist, including insisting we speak the “Queen’s English” at home. It never occurred to me how messed up this was until many years later. As Tony Robbins puts it, “We put up with what we grow up with.” Alternatively, there is Peter Sellers’ line from The Pink Panther Strikes Back, “…Not anymore…”
The Holy Roman Empire was/is run by dominance and control. It is/was the quintessence of patriarchal structure. So what? And, if it is dissolving now, why make a point of it? Well… had you understood that the British monarchy is an extension of this system? The so-called “British Empire” was modeled on its concepts. An entrenched system of hierarchical control, only continuing to maintain its power in any form at this time because… wait for it… a woman sat on the throne. Call it respect {and there is quite a bit of that} or tradition, or what-have-you, this system has clung to its holdings through the power of the deep feminine, harnessed into that which is coming apart at the seams.
What stands as Patriarchal Feminine Hierarchy has had its figurehead in the monarch of Britain for the past 70 years. Many of us have not been alive quite that long. Nevertheless, we were born into this imprinting, regardless of our country of origin. We have been wired for this hierarchy to continue. Anything hierarchical is, if you will pardon the pun, (an ‘archy’), regardless of its flavor.
So, I’ve been feeling into this. A ruling matriarch, who is completely patriarchal in nature, swears in a new, {female of course, because why not reinstate the old blaming software} Prime Minister on Tuesday. Then, two days later… the matriarch expires, peacefully, as she most likely deserves. It’s hard to say, really. The archetypal evidence is… overwhelming, and will likely take lifetimes in some bardo to sort. It was worlds in the creating.
Was a baton passed? Or, is London bridge finally, finally, falling down? Please pardon the puns herein. I can’t resist. All respect to one who played a most tricksey role in the grand scheme of things, and played it well. And, all gratitude to Source for finally putting an end to the nightmare on helm street.
The shock waves surging through the world collective today are legendary in scope and magnitude. If the patriarchal feminine hierarchy collapses completely…where will be the power behind the drones? {I did say I couldn’t resist.} Where will it be sourced? Might Source take over?
What could be more of an antidote to the rigidity of the old cycle than divine feminine chaos? Aren’t these waves wonderful?
Oh, and by the way, Queen Elizabeth II left her body today. What a way to put a flourish on the end of an era...and maybe its institutions?
{no disrespect intended}
~ Namaste ~