Inspiration or Motivation?

Is this like the chicken or the egg? Or have we lost an alignment that is precious? All balloons have gone up, as the saying goes. All old ways are obsolete or in the process of reinvention. What we have thought will ‘work’ is only that, a thought pattern, worthy of surrender like any other.

When our perspective on life and living becomes a constant self-improvement plan, or the never-ending quest for something in particular, we tend to lose ourselves. We become driven by motivation, which contains the fear of not gaining, along with the fear of losing anything that has been gained. Tricky double bind, this one.

Once upon a time, I complained to an friend that I didn’t want to die and lose all the ground I had gained in this life. He laughed and replied, “Oh no, you have it backwards. That’s what happens when we incarnate. We don’t lose anything, ever. We only forget.”

I said this was my point. I didn’t want to forget anymore. It was too expensive. He chuckled and said, “Then don’t incarnate again on a world like this one.” Touché. I had, indeed, forgotten that we incarnate to experience certain things in particular, and in order to do that, we have to forget what we know. Else, we wouldn’t stick with the program. We would bail at the first bit of tough stuff. “Well, I didn’t think it would be like this, so forget it!” You’ve thought that, from time to time, yes? And, so, we agreed to certain limits to further our perseverance. Herein lies motivation.

Inspiration is different. It comes from the heart. It is a perspective born of the lightness and loving content of being. What lifts you up? Instead of the balloon “going up,” in order to get your attention, what lifts you from the heart?

The wisdom contained in our self-designed lessons comes from Inspiration, rather than motivation. So, what was it you wanted to gain that you have failed to achieve, or somehow has passed you by? Or so it might seem. A great way to check this is to imagine you might leave your body tomorrow. This is sometimes known as using death as your advisor. Ask your body what it is still holding that would be left undone if you and your cellular structures parted company? Now you have a framework, a place to begin to let go.

One of the side effects of deep awakening is that one loses the concept of having any goal in particular. One becomes inspired and rests in inspiration, “in spiritus” instead of in plans, dreams, and scheming. One ‘does’ what needs doing with a calm Presence. Had you ever thought of the quest for enlightenment as an agenda that would have to be surrendered, because setting this as a “goal” limits the opportunity?

When we find a reason to pursue a goal, we call ourselves motivated. We have a purpose. We have given our life meaning. I enjoy letting Source do that, if there is a doing that needs to be done. Being is so much more fun!

When we take the time to become still, to listen to our bodies and the Source essence that moves deeper and deeper into them, instructing our cellular structures in ever-evolving currents of fluidity, we can feel Source’s impulses that will keep us inspired. Being still, and following the impulsing, is a certain navigation when faced with the unknown.

If you need a frequency check, use inspiration as your touchstone, rather than motivation. Yes, motivation has its place. I want ‘this’ therefore I must proceed ‘this way.’ The only issue with such an agenda is that Source is truly the only doer and might have other options available for you. Options that would flow with ease and grace and more fun than you’ve allowed yourself to experience.

What inspires you today? Is your motivating energy so aligned, in receptivity to Source? Or is some part of you still trying to run the show? Triplines and faceplants lie in that direction. Not so much fun and better avoided while sailing away on what might be possible. No lollipops and rainbows here…unless we choose to imbibe. ;)

Motivation feels good. It has been an excellent juice bar for our physical and emotional bodies. And, NOW, we need to source from Source, directly.

I am reminded of a song I used to love… back in the days of striving and reaching. Enjoy!

Running hills may be off my current experience tablet, but the joy of flowing with and as Source’s energy is not. Her forms and flows have changed to fit the frequencies. Have a wonderful week! The Equinox is coming!



Experiencing Enlightenment


Endings and Beginnings ~ What Powers the In-Between?