Enough with the Horror Already!

Why compound the global addiction to fear? Isn’t there enough of a horror show going on IRL? Or, what you call your real life…or most people do. I admit that, fresh from dragon territory and severely jet-lagged, I feel a bit of fire breathing is in order. Why perpetuate the problem? When will we let go?

Samhain is Sacred!

We are in the window of the Samhain cross-quarter. Global media will pump horror, fear, skeletons {what is so effing scary about a pile of bones?} goblins, spooks, “witches” {yah, uh-huh} and the like over the weekend. I was largely away from all this until my hostess at the B&B brought out her box of creepiness. “Oh, well, y’know, we have to decorate for the grandchildren,” was her comment, when I mentioned that the {it has to be said, moldering} decorations were “suitably creepy.” I was grinning at the time, with my infamous poker face firmly in force.

I remember being small in body. Pumpkins, yes! Pie made of same, even better! {Pumpkin custard is, in fact, a vegetable.} The other stuff??? Just… creepy. Yuck!

Fact: Creepy is not funny and it is not “kid friendly” regardless of the age of that ‘kid.’ It represents the deepest, darkest, parts of our own shadow that need to be integrated and reconfigured, not feared.

So, time to let Sekhmet take over. Many of you know the image of the lion-headed Goddess, with the sun as her crown. Do you understand the symbolism? She wears. the. sun. One of the energies the Sekhmet image represents is that of the planet Venus. The aspects of Great-Mother-Love {I know, there are issues with that on this world} values, abundance, and fortune. Sekhmet and the sun.

Love lit up. Get it? A fully-illuminated heart. Divine Radiance. Forever-Love. So how’s yours doing? Have you creeped yourself out enough?

So here’s the thing about this particular incarnation. Learn as much as you can. Do the work. Transform. Rarely has there been an incarnation where such total transformation is possible. Maybe never, so far, except now. SHIFT. Then, get the hell out! No re-runs. That will not be possible. Not here. Not anymore. New wonders await, regardless of the state of your original boarding pass. Regardless of the ‘where’ of you ‘ending-up.’

Is the human species what-some-call ascending? Well, sure. Gaia is upping her vibrational frequencies, and, as our physical bodies are part of that Shift, they are hitting the fan. So to speak. What is really happening is that all parts of us that will not go through this next “eye of the needle” have to be shed. Not deleted. Not thrown away. Transformed. Example: A snake grows out of one skin and leaves it behind. What is shed carries the old into oblivion. Cool, yes? And it’s happening to all of us!

I visited the “dragon spot” on my way to the airport. Filled with the joy engendered by this place, I wept a bit anyway. Leaving. Perhaps for the last time. This time, worlds merged within me. There were a few tourists about, less so than at other times of year, thank goodness, so the dragon-in-residence was, in one set of dimensions, playing her goofing games. She was giving one Chinese guy fits, as he tried to get the photos he wanted. Preciously funny! There was a fair wind, but hte dragon kept knocking over, first, his tripod, then, himself. Here is the guy… in the background.

What else do you see?????? Hint: Feel into it. Here, magic abounds.

At another octave, above the goofing going on, there was the “serious” huge, golden dragon I had seen last time. The image showed up as a bit static, so I asked for clarification. This was not as it seemed.

One always has to ask… there is etiquette involved between all worlds. Something opened up, not within the image, but within me. I saw, again, the gargantuan, magnificent, swirling golden-white dragon, swimming through the cosmos and felt/heard/saw “what, in you, still fears this?” There was only one possible answer. “Nothing at all.”

I was transported… all dragon realms flashed through me, as me. Well, at least the ones of which I am aware, and a few I recognized not at all. “Are you caring for this part of yourself?” I heard, through the cosmic winds. “You love these realms and they are part of you, but… something holds you tethered.“ Somewhere, deep down, a tiny voice answered, “Do I dare?”

“NONSENSE!!!!!!!” roared the dragon realms. I so wished my physical body could fully transform into the lightstreams that followed, possibly preventing me from undergoing another trans-Atlantic flight. Ah, well. That is to come, perhaps.

How did you feel the opening of the Eclipse window? Are you paying attention? If not, why not? There was/is deep darkness there. The welcoming kind. The re-birthing and re-generating kind. And, within its core, is more light than you have ever imagined.

Stay tuned for my “Purify Heathrow” adventure. You can’t make this stuff up…. well someone does, I gather. ;)

An embodiment of, at that moment, dragon energy, hiking miles through Heathrow, because a gate agent insisted I walk a certain way… {pun intended} which was not toward the rather prominent purple and white “continuing flights” signs. I know this airport well… and so, I was completely flummoxed, when, after deplaning and hiking the requisite kilometers one must plunge through, I was literally confronted by an agent insisting I move toward exit gates which were, to put it mildly, in the wrong direction. The other corridor was blocked. Odd.

I ended up in the insisted-upon queue, my backpack becoming heavier by the second, and exited the e-gate to see that I was correct. I had just bloody exited the area where I needed to be. I was more bemused than angry or frustrated. Something was happening of which I was not mentally aware. “I’m not lost I thought to myself,whilst looking for yet another agent to assist my navigation out. of, this, place. {Listen below the words, please}

“I’m in the wrong place. I have a connecting flight. How do I get back to where I need to be?” I asked someone who looked official. “Oh, you’ve come out the wrong gate…” Yathink? “You should have continued on to the end.” Funny. I knew that, but that ‘way’ was blocked. “What do I need to do?” I queried. “Go outside. Come back in. Go upstairs to Departures… Start over.” This is sounding a bit familiar, I caught myself thinking. Now, we know that gatekeepers know the back doors, so part of me was feeling, “Oh bloody hell! Just get me out of here!” but the rest of me thought… well Source is up to something. Heavy sigh. Hokay.

I exited the building. Decent day in London. Check. Found the appropriate escalators… entered Departures… and Security… Again. A-gain. Is it? Is it really a “gain?” The queue was severely compromised due to some glitch or test or something that was not, apparently, explainable. The queue tapes kept being switched, and people shunted here and there. My body was becoming sore, my consciousness laughing almost hysterically. “You’re joking me, right?”

Several lifetimes later, I got to the bin thingies, and was appropriately re-sorted for forward motion. Then, of course, there was the loooong layover… so I sought the lounge. I asked for directions from an agent who was, actually, helpful, though he must have been chuckling. “Go downstairs and to the left,” he said. I know that central area well. No food court temptations, thanks. Nor Harrods, nor even other UK commodities one cannot find in the US. No. more. baggage. I followed the signs to the left. Always a good direction.

After the first mile or so, the next escalator went upwards. Two levels. Then, another half-mile. Then another escalator down three levels. “This lair is interesting,” I heard the dragons muse. “Mmhm.” One doesn’t complain to dragons, mind, no matter how arduous the process. Finally, after pausing to re-tie a shoelace, there it was. The alleged entrance to the lounge…and it had a lift!

The lift doors opened into the lounge reception area. Finally! That was quite the winding realm of tunnels, I thought, as I showed the desk agent my boarding pass. “Oh, wait…this cannot be verified,” he began, until another agent tapped him on the shoulder, saying to me, “We will have to re-print your boarding pass. It does not have all appropriate information. Bear with us for a minute please.”

Multi-dimensionally, this made every kind of sense. And, yes, my original BP for this part of the journey did not have my luggage status, new departure trajectory, nor gate number, etc. When I was handed my new ‘entry ticket’ I walked into the lounge, wanting only some peace and recovery time. I found a corner, then realized that to get a cup of tea I would have to move myself and my backpack to that area, endeavor to keep my hands free, and make it myself. I did laugh, then.

“Okay, Mother, this is about something… no idea what.” And then, a kind lady appeared out of nowhere asking if I needed assistance. I may have been panting a little, I’m not sure. I asked her if she would mind keeping an eye on my backpack while I got some tea. She minded not at all and suggested I also venture to the far end where the food was, “before breakfast ends. The midday food is terrible.” Righty-ho. Episode ended.

Once on the plane, I meditated on my recent adventure. That was weird. Of course it did cut two hours out of my layover as I hiked Heathrow. As I meditated, I was shown the words of the Oracle Girl… “Purify… {insert place-name here}.” She does lots of this. It’s her thing. I don’t know why those words showed up, only that it seems Source wanted to make some changes at Heathrow…or in London… or in the energies of those passing through this multi-national behemoth to other destinations. “That part is finished,” the dragons purred, winking sleepily.

“Every time you say that,” I said to Source, “there is more to do.”

“Until you finally let go and be what you are…” was Her most definitive answer. I stopped laughing, and. let. go.
She had said a re-birth was in the offing.

There is so much more to this world, to this opening of the veils, to this cross-quarter, than you imagine.

This is my world. Happy to share a bit of it with you.

What will your new world be?


To Walk a New Way…


What is Forever Love?