Equinox Adventures

What was happening? The fluorite piece she had put about her neck shattered into a million pieces, yet there it shone. Inner sight showed the brilliant seams and threadlike cracks. The mirror showed nothing of the kind. Grasping the stone in her palm, she could feel the schisms. Why had it not fallen to pieces? Why did it appear whole and sound?

The first time it happened, she sighed, thinking, “Oh, it’s the Equinox. The Great Mother showed me the explosion.” Was this a forerunner? Was the Earth going to blow into pieces like Maldek? “No, of course not,” Gaia answered. “There will be some changes…”

In meditation, she had seen consciousness itself blow apart in a massive blast of lavender flame. Violet healing flame? Uplifting flame? As pieces of reality flew about like the chips in a kaleidoscope, ‘free at last,’ colors in the streaming light shifted with them. Gleaming bits of all sorts blew into every possible timeline, track, and trajectory, including some never before imagined on a world like this one.

Staying with the expanding light felt ungrounded, vulnerable. But every time she mentally sought after one of the flying shards, it either disappeared into the light or enveloped part of her in some nightmarish version of herself she had never wished to be. She tried everything she knew to struggle free of each piece that threatened to overwhelm her. Then, as the torrent moved on, she recognized that each scene, each memory, each ‘person’ represented something she had never wanted to experience or be.

With each recognition of a character from a film or a person from her past, the blast moved faster. What was she supposed to see? Finally, the bits of glass formed odd parts of her, as though Edward Scissorhands had shaped this destiny in form. “This used to be me,” an ambulatory patched-together experience of what had been and could be.

Somehow, beneath and between it all was a viscous substance, the color of molasses. As various shards came together, it showed through the cracks like tar, opaque, obscure, and disturbing. Looking at it made her faintly nauseous. Feeling into its presence reassured her somewhat as the Earth element radiated its warm support. “What?” Her mind could barely shape a sentence to accurately define this state of being. The brownish goo cleared and glowed yet looked exactly the same. All depended on her point of view. And the experience continued. Could she hold a single point of light through it all? It seemed that was not to be. Yet, her Observer remained calm and clear, even as echoes of primal scream carried parts of her away.

She shook in terror as each fragment claimed a piece of her. “That is a part of me… and that is a part of me…” The anguish of not wanting to be certain ways and behaviors was excruciating. How many fractured bardos would it take to bring her home? The joke in that thought snapped her into a liquid flow of clear light. Who knew all this was buried and so deep? It took a few hours for the experience to transmute, leaving her shaky and exhausted, aching for sleep.

A radical explosion of perception

“Didn’t see that coming,” she chuckled as she rose to make tea.

The exact Equinox alignment forms tonight {tomorrow morning} at 12:49 AM Mountain time. Thank goodness for mountains. Even when exploding into light, there is a steadfast way about them. Sourrce’s transmission is today. I’m fairly excited about what she has to say.

Have a great alignment! “In it” doesn’t begin to describe this window!


Surfing Sans Self


Becoming ONE