Becoming ONE

Sometimes one form of writing, one delivery mechanism, takes over and sits itself down like a boulder midstream. Its presence simply must be honored as the number one priority. One can try, as Source’s scribe, to fend off the boulder by bouncing off its surface and spinning downstream. Fat chance. I find said boulder reappears, generally in my face.

Boulder. In my face. Uh-huh. The synchronicity is not lost on my sense of humour. I live between Boulder and a High place…a literal in-between. Source’s metaphors are that obvious.

So, for several mornings now, I have been rising, meditating, and plunging into the writing stream. Its depths make for an invigorating swim and a glorious morning, generally followed by a quick nap to further integration. What if our integration streams are part of all that is completing?

This morning’s contemplation drifted around wisdom teaching and what that might be as all things become new, and around the burgeoning plethora of mystical teachers, experiences, and all sorts, available. The phrase, and perhaps the practice of “Wisdom Teaching” is, at best, an oxymoron anyway. It seems that the ‘truth’ that all things in Earth School are our teachers is literally coming to light, furthered by social media.

Will we blast from the past? Will we flow into a formless future? Is everything just a way of talking about what cannot be named nor numbered? This month we move beyond all boxes, labels, concepts and descriptions. It is making people crazy. Then again, as the Great Reckoning forces each of us into Great Re-Membering, Source frees up long-held mental-emotional-physical storage for the new embodiment of the magical creatures we are.

The wavelengths taken up by fear are dissolving. True. Though we may be seeing more of the backlash than the clear currents at the moment. Immersed in the scribing stream, I noticed the absolute crushing wave of dire predictions having its way with collective consciousness. Remember that there is no need and no obligation to ride those waves. This is the churn and burn before the re-set and re-start of what might seem to be forward movement to all of our essence that is not surrendered to Stillness.

I remembered when, a few years ago, many in the lightworker community pinned their hopes on 2024. “It will all be over by then. Things will begin to even out in 2023.” Me? I tend to camp in the “we’ll see” place. It has trees, fresh water, and all the amenities. Fairies and dragons are available for ride-sharing. I highly recommend it. And this is not a place to escape.

Yes, things are intense. The Great Reckoning might seem to require this. Yes, there is more light streaming in at what could be called higher frequencies than ever before. Will we open to receive it? I observe that our old programming not only does not want its scripts demolished but was not programmed to know how to let that happen or to receive new infusions.

So, now we let go. We are able to answer the call to be our own, dare I call it this… “magic.”

I do not speak of what humans call “magic” that allows us to manipulate energy to our own ends. Our ends have enough to deal with at present. Ends, endings, completions, and all the shite that brings up. New beginnings? Let the silent, primal scream rise up and release. Love is not suffering. The new will not be built upon old sands or any of the sands in which time holds sway. We are asked to let ourselves, along with every definition we’ve ever dreamed of or dealt with, just…melt…like honey on the tongue.

Speaking of that delectable mystical substance… All the doomer prophecies nudged me into these arms… a delicious read and re-member.

As I read about the newly available magic, I noticed that an ancient part of me was holding on to disappointment. Instead of asking, “What’s that about?” as usual, I just let go. We are like new infants. Our ancient heartbreak is surfacing to be released.

There is nothing we need to do but be. Yes, we’ve known this for a while now. We are called to re-member how to Nurture the Oneness Within. NOW.

Much love!


Equinox Adventures


Let the Shift Hit the Fan