Where the Light Gets In
Flying and floating fissures abound. Light enters everywhere.
Many years ago, I had an IT consulting contract with The GAP. Their big, blue logo at the reception desk met me every morning, prompting an inner tune, “…fall into the GAP…” At that time, I was reading Ceanne de Rohan’s Right Use of Will series ~ specifically channeled to rip inner wounding wide open. Not for those who prefer not to journey through that kind of heat. The series dealt with denied and “gapped” emotions. The synchronicity was not lost on me as I chuckled my way past reception each day.
The first book, The Right Use of Will, is both an introduction to and an encapsulation of the material from the next several volumes. The author recommends, or did then, that no one recommend these books to anyone else, as the material will find its audience. It has, in spades. We are living in those waves.
I find that most of us are traversing these turbulent waters within ourselves just now. The cracks in our defenses, our emotional bodies, and anywhere our structures cling to old ways of being are currently exposed by the currents of fresh frequency flooding the planet.
About a decade ago, one of my mentees, whose spiritual name was Samadhi, visited my mountain home. She had been through her first awakening(s), acknowledged by her Teacher ~ thus the spiritual name. She had just begun a career in visual arts and gifted me with a lovely little painting. Its title was “Where the light gets in.” The painting of a heart surrounded by light had a tear on the left side of the heart, obvious from the back side of the canvas. She told me that had happened when a martial arts implement, a spear if I remember correctly, had become dislodged from its stand and pierced the painting as it dried. She had painted over the split, allowing a bit of translucency to remain. Hung in sunlight, the painting allowed a sliver of luminosity to shine through the heart.
“From mine to yours," she said, handing me the painting in that cavalier way that meant she was trying to hold back tears.
I had, a few years back, assisted her in pulling the lynchpin of what she called her “karmic reincarnation cycle.” She had always said that she stalked me through lifetimes so I could do this for her, help her see this, and set her free. We laughed a lot at that. Projections are hilarious once acknowledged, accepted, and released.
For years she had been adamant that I owed her this service. I have no idea, to this day, what she imagined might be the debt between us, but was happy to help. And, in the end, the light got in.
Samadhi, in that human form, is no longer with us. It has been a while now. When I learned of her transition, I was not surprised. She had indicated readiness and a bit of impatience for some time. She had also severed contact with me a few years prior in her terse and, it has to be said, unkind way. But I knew her. That was, perhaps, the only way. A spear through the heart. A crack to let the light in and set her Spirit free.
Go well, and safe home, beloved. What else is appropriate for what has been a part of us in some way?
I use this example to illustrate all that is mending. We all have cracks we no longer need to carry.
A hint for traversing the turbulence of this time: Let the tears flow. Their essence is liquid love. Let the light in. It will expand and eliminate any need to plaster over anything. Lightness. Wholeness. Let the light lift and carry you beyond what might need to be healed. Only love lives in these frequencies.
From my heart to yours,