Fractals of Frequency
The Equinox window is waning ~ straight into the full moon in a few days, accompanied by an initiatory lunar eclipse, whose window is rounded out on the 8th of April with a solar eclipse. These eclipsing events always come in pairs. That this happens each year, twice a year, in fact, makes this transition no less spectacular an event.
This year’s two eclipse windows cross the US, dipping south through central and southern Texas… in exactly the same spot. Southern Texas is about to receive a ‘double whammy’ of cosmic energies. Fascinating, in that Mr. Spock, science officer, kind of way. As with everything transpiring this year, we shall see.
The current Equinox opening brought initiations and endings to us all. Transition does not always mean a death of some sort but rather a shift from one state of being to another. The ‘human’ collective is going through one shamanic death after another during this calendar year… most largely unaware of this amazing gift and holding on for dear life. In other words, humanity is being caught in its unawares. Popcorn-worthy? Certainly. And, something to be discerningly aware of at every moment.
What we can notice in ourselves is what parts, patterns, and/or programs feel threatened and want to act out. This can affect us physically in our neural nets, skeletal-muscular patterns, and what our bodies may fear to digest in terms of energy. Most of our physical symptoms, at the moment, have to do with the release of deep-seated patterns, epigenetic markers, and telomere regeneration. Our bodies are going through a metamorphosis led by our Source essence.
{Please do see appropriate practitioners as needed for your health and well-being.}
The Equinox opening and the upcoming eclipse window are structured to reveal what our shadow aspects have kept hidden. It helps to remember that these aspects of shadow have functioned to keep us safe… from ourselves and others, in the form of patterns that no longer serve, if they ever did so. What is attempting to purge is what we have clandestinely held onto in order to feel safe. That this is largely unconscious makes this transition tricksey.
We may think or feel, “Oh, I’m not that. I don’t want to feel that way.” Of course not. This is true for our aware and conscious beingness. Our physical bodies, however, have held onto these programs, bits, and bites, because our brainstems have instructed them to do so in order to ensure physical survival. It is not something to be upset with our bodies about, but rather to thank them for ‘holding on for dear l life’ and show them another way. These patterns are programmed to be stubborn. Every warrior's energy holds this kind of line. So, the more content we can allow to transform into what will work NOW, the more the inner warrior is convinced s/he is not being obsoleted.
The other day, someone said to me, “I thought if you got the energetic root of something, the symptoms would go.” They can, and they do, but only if the entire pattern is acknowledged, accepted, and thanked for its assistance. Then, the programmed energies receive the message, “Job done.” Source can then repurpose those energies for metamorphosis and evolution. And, now, as Gaia transitions, she is releasing more and more of these held energies and encouraging our bodies to do so as well. In other words, the old stuff no longer has a home on this planet. It has to transition to continue to function. So do we.
This is why the Embodying Fluidity process, first known as Spiritual Root Cause Analysis, then as Hacking the False Matrix, actually works. Most people don’t want to do the deep discovery of what is held, how, and why. There have been a few who truly dive into the process and reap its full benefits. I happen to be one of them, and ever deeper layers of holding on are constantly revealed. I am only the steward of this process. The download was always direct from Source. Why would she ever give us such a gift if it was not useful?
The Equinox, leading into the eclipse window, is another such gift. It is a seeing opportunity. What are you noticing? What is the intensified light revealing? What Gordian Knot gestalts are moving through and, hopefully, out or into a fresh configuration?
As with the eclipsing double pass through Texas, we shall see. Likely literally, if we pay attention.
I can report that my physical body is joyously thrilled with all this. There is so much support available. Let it lift and carry you. We are designed to bring ‘home’ here and now. That particular ticket is one we all purchased. Ready or not, we’re in it.
When we require assistance, there are many tools, techniques, healers, energy workers, and all that. As we each contribute what we are, we shift realities. It will all play out as it plays out, and we won’t be there to ‘pick up the pieces,’ but will have gone on before.
Much love,