Infinite Patience ~ Zero Tolerance

Some of you have heard Source use this phrase through me many times. How does it make you feel?

The concepts in the title may seem to be dualistically juxtaposed, but they are, in fact, an integrated frequency bundle of embodied Grace. This week’s message has many fractals, many faces. Each has attempted to claim the title spot in turn. Tricksey, putting such gymnastics to the page. Let whatever fractals find you do their work. Observe with love as parts of you melt away.

At this time, we bid farewell to the wounds that have formed the foundations of the old cycle. You know whereof I speak. You are feeling the purging, the shift, and the transformations. You are embodying the Gift whether its perspective has claimed precedence among your perceptual filters or not. Shedding happens in layers that our bodies can most easily withstand. First, the projections, then the expectations attached to those patterns, then bits of content, then the elusive architecture that holds it all in place.

The mind believes that shedding an identity, a kind of skin, is a good thing because what will emerge is a better version of its identity. When this belief is threatened, all heaven breaks loose. This is where the real fun and the next-level work begins.

Let’s talk integration. Does the Moon catch up to the Sun? Does a retrograde planet actually travel backward? {What an absurd thought.} Does our physical body have to catch up to what is happening emotionally? Spiritually? Or vice versa? What if our aspects are always in motion and it is our inner synergy that forms alignment? As our awareness grows, our understanding moves with it. First, we feel the shifts. Then, we assimilate and embody their wisdom. As our vision expands, so does our capacity to embody luminosity in every aspect of our being. As we make room for the light, it radiates from us. Why not welcome it in?

Why focus on the lunar cycle at this time? Is the upcoming Equinox not a Solar alignment? So human metaphysics tells us. The celestial cycles live as one. Picking out aspects of this Oneness to observe can be fun, but it is better that we do not make the assumption that any such study gives us the whole picture. Is there a whole picture when all things shift and change? Are we open enough to integrate even a first glimpse of that vastness? Oh, what joy!

Observing a current lunar cycle bids us focus on how the light illuminates the dark at any given moment. Internalizing this cycle, we learn to hone our focus more precisely. Wheels within wheels, plans within plans, we assimilate and integrate Earth-centric systems and beyond. Reflected light can be more elusive than what shines directly overhead. It is nuanced, similar to how sunlight presents itself at dusk and dawn. Resting in the subtleties of Nature, we learn, by immersion, to rest within.

The integrated flow of Infinite Patience and Zero Tolerance must first be felt. How comfortable are we with Souce’s ferociously gentle adamance? Does the mind need to know what this means? It is an acquired skill, surely. Like anything worth mastering, this takes practice. Ask Source to show you by moving this integration through you.

I realize all this is a bit ‘beyond’ when the pressure cooker is on, and we mostly want to just get through the week, or day, or hour. Feed the Source within. Let Her show you the way of it. If your mind insists on meaning and explanations still, let your Source Essence soothe and comfort that part of you. Be infinitely patient with the part of what seems like yourself that holds on, clings even, and fights for meaning. Practice zero tolerance for anything other than Source embodiment. Your essence will appreciate the breathing room.

Blah, blah, blah. Lots of words. Each carries packets of Presence. Let Her also inform your understanding as the Great Mother amplifies and accelerates your configuration. Surrendering to Her currents brings such relief! Maybe stop striving and let yourself go.

Feel and observe the light reflected in the world around you and focus on how that shows you what lies within.

We create perceptual filters to shape a reality, yes. Then, our conditioned responses create shields to blind us to what we are afraid to perceive. Some shields are good, of course. They serve a purpose. It is time to let Source, our Great Mother, peel back those whose purpose has come to an end. What if seeing the “scariest thing” is not so scary after all and shows us where our focus has always been?

May your reconfiguring alignments flow with joy.


The Trust Test