The Trust Test

Welcome to the next stage in the old cycle dissolution journey! An ending always holds the inception of a beginning. Funny how what is falling apart is what grabs our attention. What a habit that has become! The human collective is massively addicted to drama, and we can easily observe how tethered in we are by how hooked in we become and how quickly.

So what is the trust test? It shows up differently for each of us. As each cosmic infusion filters through Gaia’s meridians {the dragon lines} and those in our physical bodies, we embody more of our universal essence. This increasingly amplifying essence demands that we live and move and have our being through it. For many, this is a long-awaited dance. And yet, what is left of our programmed states of mind struggle to do the jobs they were programmed to do.

When we come into an incarnation, we choose parameters and patterns to learn from and to work with. This is true for everyone and everything living, not only for those with what we might like to call accelerated consciousness. In other words, we’re not so special. Every being on this planet goes through a similar cycle. We build a personality, an ego, partly based on the architecture we have chosen prior to our birth. Then, as we go through the linear process of living, we work through our lessons. As we move along chronologically, we begin to see the patterns we have built and to discard what is not a part of “real us.” This process is often spoken of by our elders, if we are so lucky as to have them in our current societies.

I was fortunate enough to know this process from this life’s inception. I consciously built a persona, which was then fed unconsciously by inner parameters and outer circumstances. When it came time to dismantle the ego, I was all too aware of what required demolition. Much to my surprise, many of these patterns seemed to have a life of their own and vehemently resisted dissolution. This was helpful in that I was shown how to observe the roots and seed forms of this type of consciousness and that surrendering all forms of mental [limited} control was the only way through.

The trust test is all about surrender. Life in a physical body teaches us this more quickly and efficiently than any other adventure.

What if every being on this planet was being offered the incredible gift of a new way of being? The price? Letting go of all of the other ways.

This type of deep surrender into Source’s embrace is not an abdication, nor does it involve white flags or flying towels of any kind. It begins with a choice. Choice is fueled by even the tiniest hint of gratitude. It then becomes a commitment to one’s alignment as Source. The ‘as’ word is massive for beings whose entire conditioning process has had to do with projecting power and light onto some external authority.

So, we first surrender to a so-called higher power. That choice is as simple or as challenging as our programming allows it to be. If we’ve done a fair amount of work, we recognize the process and surrender more deeply.

At some point, or at many, we self-realize, a new-agey term that does not mean what pop psychology tells us it does. Yes, at the early stages, we may know the ins and outs of our personas fairly thoroughly. But, so what? The real fun begins when we can see through these structures and become fascinated, not by the projector of these illusions, but by the essence from which all are constructed.

Rather than struggle our way through the gates of enlightenment as some kind of illusory graduation and choosing to bask in that light, allegedly forever, we can remain in motion. No matter how much we cling to the idea of a heaven of our own imagining, even that bliss-bunny reality becomes a limitation when we realize we have been that creative essence all along.

This is when deep transformation occurs. Tibetan Buddhism states, “Recognition is liberation.” The persona cannot translate this appropriately if it has been formed within a Western mind. Outer recognition and valuing are too entrenched in Western consciousness. We must go beyond the words, the spiritual chestnuts, and the clichés.

Lifted and carried by the tides of the Great Mother, the Cosmic Love of creation, our old worlds fall away so that we may see more clearly the essence of reality. I like to call it the clear light because that vibration opens my heart. Yours may open in another way. This is how life expresses itself. There are no rules. {Lots of roles. No rules.}

A few fun facts:

~ The Savior/Rescuer/ Redeemer/Care Giver archetype, whose game so many have been enticed to play, is a trap whose role is to exhaust us until we have no choice but to surrender
~ Enlightenment is a true gate that leads us home to our essence… and then can become a flavor of fixed position if we cling to any mental idea {modification} of how the word or state of being truly functions
~ What lies beyond all of our desires, hopes, and fears is exquisite, sublime, and more real than any of the roles we’ve played, rules we’ve imagined we had to follow, or ideations of anyone’s mind

Gaia is moving through a trust test all her own. Our bodies, made of her elements, are doing the same. We have a delicious opportunity to choose trust, no matter what. Celestial bodies have an advantage in that there are no carried identities, fixed roles, or rules to be overcome when transformation occurs {or so Gaia tells me}.

Perhaps we chose this piggy-back on a loving planet to move into further expansion. Would it not make sense, even to the most regulated mind, to move with these tides, as these tides, instead of designing a new board? New boards are fun, as are flying carpets, and there are infinite designs to perfect and little time to do so.

What if there is a bigger tide to play in? What if Infinite seas now beckon?

In my humble experience, choosing to trust is an art form. It is one whose love I flow within.

We are in a time of truth testing. There are no grades, no pass or fail, only an infinite becoming readily available to all.

Infinite love ~


Infinite Patience ~ Zero Tolerance


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