It’s All About Navigation

What currents carry you?

Our bodies were first carried within the currents of our birth waters. Until we were able to function in the world on our own, they were carried within a family unit, that may or may not have been the support we needed. Within those first carrying currents, our bodies learned their navigation skills. Those skills proceed from a baseline set of parameters held in the brainstem. The code looks like this: “this is good for and ensures bodily survival, this does not.” It is an over-simplified either-or algorithm that must change as we evolve and awaken.

Who or what is at your wheel?

The good news is that all outdated intake can now be recycled like a used container. You do recycle, yes? Until newly developed plastic-ingesting enzymes are readily available, it’s what there is. The energies in your field require recycling as well.

Would Gaia perceive you as a kind traveler?

If you were a popcorn kernel, or, better yet, a ribbon of light caught in the maelstrom of a popcorn popper, how would you navigate? Would you drop into the hot oil, air, or butter? If the latter, I freely admit I might be tempted… and so therein lies the first level of distraction. Something we love, whether or not present circumstances might render it harmful to our well-being.

You might, as that filament of light, .un-or-sub-consciously revert to the brainstem’s survival instructions. Hot, bad. Flying kernels, bad. Fly, fight or freeze… None of these strategies are optimal in current currents. You’ll see.

Or, you might be inspired to test your courage and your flight skills to dodge and weave around hot oil spatters, air currents and bursting kernels to make your way… where, exactly? Oh, yes. Out. And where is out, exactly, when you’re in it? .Survival programs tend to label that destination as “not here.” Fair enough.

Or, you might consider Source’s glowing alternative. “This is not the scenario I choose to experience, ‘real’ though it may appear.” Breathe deeply into your center, where the light is strongest, purest, and free of incarnational debris. “I choose this. This is my home, my wisdom, my Source Essence, and my navigation system.”

Bye-bye popcorn popper! Oh darn, that smelled so good! I wanted some! {feel familiar?} Do not fail to notice that the words familiar and familial not only have the same root, they are, energetically and vibrationally, the same.

Do you still need familiar baggage? You are free to keep what you know, tripwires and faceplants included, or you can…

Drop it and flow!

What currents carry you?

Sit with it. Let yourself see. Let the Source that you are set you free.

You are a glowing, flowing, current of Cosmic Love. And, if you so choose, treats are available. Source’s supply chain has no hindrances but what we throw in for ‘fun’.

Love to you!


Remember the Basics


To Walk a New Way…