May We All Be April Foolish
The Fool’s Journey and the Hero’s Journey are well documented. With each trajectory, what begins anew when one cycle is complete? Why do our minds hold onto what has gone before? Is it truly necessary? Gaia’s body is shifting. Why would ours not do the same? How are we insisting upon our programmed foolishness? Insistence will not cause it to persist. Not this time.
It is said that fools will go where angels fear to tread. I have tested that theory and cannot recommend its path. Historically, April Fools were those who insisted upon the observance of the ancient cycle of a new year beginning and refused to acknowledge January 1st as anything but an arbitrary contrivance. Gaia’s Great Returning is also her rebirth and new awakening.
Starting from zero begins within a luminous egg, an orb of light, a chrysalis within which we shift from the inside out. And, with the imminent eclipse and the close of this portal, the outside shifts as well. The vibratory state of physicality is changing.
I close my eyes, and wisps or girders of new structure appear. Though I have always seen these inner lines of light, the deeper architecture of realities, forming and re-forming, what appear now are microbursts of new bloom. Each one glows for moments only, impermanent and quickly replaced by the next. Sometimes, a single etching of light appears. Other times, it is like fireworks in the night sky. I have wondered whether these blossoming forms surrender one into another or if some shift into other-dimensional forms for a time.
I recall a curiosity in the little girl I once inhabited, as she contemplated dandelion tufts about to release themselves upon the wind. So many seed forms! No wonder their bright, butter-loving blooms seemed to be everywhere and made the green space of the garden a place of wonder.
Dandelions send runners beneath the soil, as well as seed forms into the air, ensuring their propagation. Are new forms of inner architecture doing the same? Do these tendrils of light hold a similar healing power to dandelion leaves? Or is that wishful thinking?
If every single thing changes, what might require that type of medicine? Will wholeness supersede the need?
What if the concept of brokenness no longer existed? What then? How might something shattered be perceived? Might we lose strength with nothing to push against? Will we still require something to push toward? These are tricks of the mind to keep it engaged with what has been. The mind knows no other way of referencing its existence. It can learn, however, to rest in the stillness that births all that is.
I can tell you how that happens. I cannot say what your experience is or will be or where or when this shift might happen. I can report that no external person, place, or thing can be causal for a release into stillness to occur. Guides and guardians abound, especially in this, Gaia’s transition time. We are all greatly assisted.
Like the dandelion, about to release her seeds, a Returning sends its runners beneath the surface world. Infusions of energetic building blocks form fresh functions. We will feel, see, and know long before anyone’s mental faculties can understand.
As a dandelion continues to fiercely propagate in the face of being torn up and weeded out, so light codes have always persisted.
It is an odd human conundrum that whatever resists or insists persists. Perhaps that particular either/or is dissolving, and its consequences are disintegrating as well. What if every consequence of every kind is dissolving?
Breathe. Let your physical body relax into the slipstream of incoming tides. These are seas on the move.
Allow the integrity of your focal point of awareness to receive all that you are. Let your physical body receive and re-form.
Only what is no longer needed will dissolve. Nothing required can ever be lost.
Love functions in a different way than that to which we have become accustomed. Let it be.
May the totality point and waning of this eclipse window bless you mightily.
Trust your runners and seed forms to carry you on. Grounded within Gaia’s heart and cast to the winds, you are truly free.
Infinite love,