Enter the Everything…
And Then Some…
As Gaia moves through the Equinox and Eclipse windows, bandwidths of light and frequency pass through her body and she through their prismatic lenses. An image that can assist the mind is that of passing through a veil of fog into not one, but infinite options of other reality. Avalon gave us the example of passing through the mists into another world. Wonder Woman gave us a similar image of a hidden, sacred place, shrouded in fog so that the outside world knew not of its existence. The legend of Shambhala is the same. A hidden fortress guarded by mountain peaks. A safe place within which all treasures of beauty, sustainability, and sacred knowledge are kept safe.
One had to be able to vibrate at certain frequencies to access these realms. Each had its tests of entrance. Each had its signs and portents, guides, and guardians. Each of these realms exists in the Otherworld and in Othertimes. Like the Paths to the Stars, these realms and their gems of consciousness are fiercely guarded. Whether by elementals, devas, or dragons, these vast regions are protected. They can be accessed only through purity of heart.
We know how this alignment feels, even when, or perhaps especially when, the mind cannot form words to define it.
Before your leftover programming leaps to the contusion {yes, I meant that word} that you are not worthy of access to the vibrational worlds you were born to inhabit, listen to your Source Essence.
It is time. The cry has been uttered. The call has sounded. The rich fragrance wafts upon the air. The mists part daily, during this transition, if only for the briefest fraction of a second. Planetary alignments assist this transition. So does the alignment of your heart and your Essence.
Feel the purity of your radiant heart. Deep, silent peace has always been a key the gatekeepers understand. And, new flavors, bandwidths, and infinite variations on these sacred dreams are emerging from the lingering fog of what has lately been known as “through a glass darkly.”
Every awakened avatar has added to the language burden of what it is to live from this deep, still, well. Every awakened one has also dissolved much of what has gone before. Sakyamuni was the most recent “Buddha.” There have been many. A select few, yes, but many more than the limits of any spiritual tradition will allow. Any ‘spiritual leader’ you can name is an image of a configuration of qualities of the clear light.
What is shedding, shredding, and being threshed from a place of pure compassion that lies beyond pity, is the false source, the wounded place within that fears its demise. Let the true Source, the Essence of you that is not and has never been separate from the One, take this core remnant, this shredded and battered identity fragment, by the hand and by the heart, and lead it home.
It is time. The call has sounded. Regardless of how world circumstances might appear or what seems to be, remember what is, in your pure and radiant heart. You are that and have only been dreaming.
Time to dream new dreams and love them into reality.
Crunchy transit, this. Rest in the pure light currents that have always supported you and will never let you down
April is going to be more intense, hold much that is unexpected, and support the metamorphosis at every moment.
Much love,